A point spatial object that is used to break up the Path Network for connectivity. The PathNode extends the RoadNode feature in the INSPIRE Transport Network (roads) model. The Path Network splits for the following circumstances:
The location where an attribute changes.
The intersection or crossing of PathLinks.
The start/end of a PathLink.
The context diagram below shows how the PathNode has been inherited from INSPIRE and the attribution held on the PathNode:
A point representing either the start/end of a path, the connectivity between two or more paths, or where one of the recorded attributes changes.
Unique identifier; for PathNode, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles),
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The location of the node.
Attribute name: geometry
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
The time when the transport node started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Description of the function of a path node in the road transport network.
Attribute name: formOfRoadNode
Type: FormOfRoadNodeValue
Size: 21
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange_codeSpace (GML), reason_for_change_code_space (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Further specialisation of the form of path node
Attribute name: classification (GML), Not provided (GeoPackage), classification (Vector Tiles)
Size: 19
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A PathLink is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of the Path Network between two points in the network. PathLinks will be split for connectivity purposes (for example, at junctions) and PathNodes will connect the PathLinks together. Each PathLink will provide a reference to the PathNodes at the start and end of the PathLink.
A PathLink will be captured where:
They provide a route that cannot be inferred from the Road Network.
They provide connectivity between Road Networks.
There is a canal path or tow path.
There are paths over footbridges and under subways.
There are recreational paths in urban, rural and mountain and moorland areas.
PathLinks will not be captured where:
They run parallel to the Road Network, for example, a pavement.
They are connected to a Motorway.
There is a physical obstruction which prevents connectivity.
PathLinks will split where two PathLinks cross over or under one another when there is no connectivity, for example, at bridges and flyovers. Therefore, the attributes “startGradeSeparation” and “endGradeSeparation” have been populated on the PathLink. The Grade Separation attribute will indicate where there is or is not a physical connection between the Paths in the real world. Grade Separation will determine if a PathLink is above another. If the two PathLinks, when referencing the same PathNode, have different values, then it is not possible to move between them at that point.
Where a PathLink crosses a RoadLink at a different level, both the PathLink and RoadLink will split. The attributes “startGradeSeparation” and “endGradeSeparation” will be populated on the PathLink and RoadLink. The Grade Separation attribute will indicate where there is or is not a physical connection between the path and road in the real world. Where the two links cross, the Road Node and Path Node will have the same identifier. Grade Separation will determine if one link is above another. If the two links, when referencing a Road Node and Path Node with the same TOID, have different grade separation values, then it is not possible to move between them at that point.
The context diagram below shows how the PathLink has been inherited from INSPIRE and the attribution held on the PathLink.
A linear feature that represents the general alignment of a route used by pedestrians.
Unique identifier; for PathLink, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (VectorTiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (VectorTiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage), Not provided (VectorTiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The three-dimensional geometry that represents the alignment of the path.
Attribute name: Not provided (GML), geometry (GeoPackage), Not Provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
Indicator that the centreline geometry of the link is a straight line with no intermediate control points – unless the straight line represents the geography in the resolution of the data set appropriately.
Attribute name: fictitious (GML), fictitious (GeoPackage), Not provided (VectorTiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The time when the transport link started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validfrom (GML), valid_from(GeoPackage), Not provided (VectorTiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
A description of the PathLink based on its nature or use.
Attribute name: formOfWay (GML), form_of_way (GeoPackage), form_of_way (Vector Tiles)
Type: FormOfWayTypeValue
Size: 42
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the path the feature is part of, when a PathLink is referenced by a Street with a streetStateType of Designated Street Name this is the name used else the name is from Path. Note: Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: pathName (GML), path_name (GeoPackage), path_name (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 255
Multiplicity: [0..2]
Another name for the path the feature is part of, this is populated with the name captured by Ordnance Survey when it differs from that in Street. Note: Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: pathName (GML), path_name (GeoPackage), path_name (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 255
Multiplicity: [0..2]
The origin and derivation of the three-dimensional geometry of the PathLink.
Attribute name: provenance (GML), provenance (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ProvenanceSourceValue
Size: 23
Multiplicity: [1]
Nature of the material that the path is made up of.
Attribute name: surfaceType(GML), surface_type (GeoPackage), surface_type (Vector Tiles)
Type: SurfaceTypeValue
Size: 13
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Identifies if the PathLink has facilities for a cyclist.
Attribute name: cycleFacility(GML), cycle_facility (GeoPackage), cycle_facility (Vector Tiles)
Type: CycleFacilityType
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Indication whether the feature has been matched to a feature in the NSG.
Attribute name: matchStatus (GML), match_status (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: MatchStatusValue
Size: 39
Multiplicity: [1]
The calculated two-dimensional length of the PathLink in metres.
A Unit of Measure (uom) is provided as part of the attribute which will always be ‘m’.
Attribute name: length (GML), length (GeoPackage), length (Vector Tiles)
Type: Measure
Size: 7,2
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifier(s) of the Elementary Street Unit from NSG or TRSG
Attribute name: alternateId (GML), alternate_id (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ThematicIdentifier
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..*]
The relative level of the link at the startNode.
Attribute name: startGradeSeparation (GML), start_grade_separation (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
The relative level of the link at the endNode.
Attribute name: endGradeSeparation (GML), end_grade_separation (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
The elevation gain is calculated from three-dimensional geometry to define the total ascent experienced when passing along a PathLink feature. The value is expressed both with and against the direction of digitising.
Attribute name: elevationGainInDirection (GML), elevationGainInOppositeDirection (GML), elevation_gain_in_direction (GeoPackage), elevation_gain_in_opposite_direction (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ElevationGainType
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Identifier of the Path or Street to which the PathLink forms part of.
Attribute name: formsPartOf (GML), forms_part_of (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 0..*
The node coincident with the first vertex of the geometry attribute.
Attribute name: startNode (GML), start_node (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 0..1
The node coincident with the last vertex of the geometry attribute.
Attribute name: endNode (GML), end_node (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 0..1
Reference to the topographic representation(s) of the same part of the path.
Attribute name: relatedRoadArea (GML), related_road_area (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1..*
A Path feature is a link set which represents a collection of PathLink features that share the same name (for example, Church Walk). A Path will reference the complete collection of RoadLink features irrespective of which authority boundary it falls within. A PathLink feature may be referenced by multiple Path features.
The context diagram shows how the Path feature has been inherited from INSPIRE and the attribution held on the Path.
A compound feature that represents a path with a name. This references a collection of PathLinks.
Unique identifier; for Path, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The time when the transport link set started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The name assigned to the feature which all the referenced links have in common.
Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: pathName (GML), path_name (GeoPackage), path_name (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 255
Multiplicity: [1..2]
The reference to the PathLink features which builds up the Path feature.
Attribute name: link
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1..*]
This section describes the features which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Paths. The attributes associated with these feature types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
Many of the attributes which have been inherited from the INSPIRE Transport Network model have a stereotype of ‘voidable’, for example, “beginLifespanVersion”. Where these attributes have not been populated then there is a requirement to give a reason for this. This will be specified in the GML through an attribute called “nilReason”.
A ConnectingNode is a point feature that identifies where a Path connects to the Road Network. The ConnectingNode connects to the start or end of one or more RoadLinks and provides a reference to one of the RoadLinks it connects to. Connecting Nodes are spatially coincident with RoadNodes and can share the same identifier. The ConnectingNode is referenced by a ConnectingLink.
The context diagram below shows how the ConnectingNode relates to the RoadLink.
Three-dimensional geometry has been applied to ConnectingNode features. This is to facilitate routing that requires coincidence of co-ordinates. Given the nature of connecting feature this geometry is for connectivity purposes only.
A point which connects the Road Network to the Path Network.
Unique identifier; for ConnectingNode, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The location of the node which indicates where the Path Network connects to the Road Network.
Attribute name: geometry
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A reference to the RoadLink which the ConnectingNode connects to.
Attribute name: roadLink_href (GML), road_link (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
A FerryLink is a linear spatial object which represents the connectivity of a vehicular ferry route across a body of water. A FerryLink will only be captured where the route is limited to pedestrians only and both terminals are within Great Britain, and there is a timetabled service which is open to the public.
The context diagram shows how the FerryLink has been inherited from INSPIRE, the attribution held on the FerryLink and how it relates to the other Ferry components.
A network link representing a route for a vehicular or pedestrian ferry route.
Unique identifier; for FerryLink, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The three-dimensional geometry that represents the connection between the ferry terminals. Where a detailed alignment is provided it is only an indication of the route a vessel would take. The third dimension is only provided for connectivity and does not reflect any real-world value.
Attribute name: Not provided (GML), geometry (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
Indicator that the centreline geometry of the link is a straight line with no intermediate control points – unless the straight line represents the geography in the resolution of the data set appropriately.
Attribute name: fictitious (GML), fictitious (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The time when the transport node started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
An indicator if this FerryLink represents a ferry that can be used by vehicles.
This will always be set to false in the Path Network product.
Attribute name: vehicularFerry (GML), vehicular_ferry (GeoPackage), vehicular_ferry (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The URL to the operator of this Ferry route.
Attribute name: routeOperator (GML), route_operator (GeoPackage), route_operator (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 250
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name:reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The node coincident with the first vertex of the geometry attribute.
Attribute name: startNode (GML), start_node (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The node coincident with the last vertex of the geometry attribute.
Attribute name: endNode (GML), end_node (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The Road and Path Network are topologically structured together. ConnectingLinks enable a connection between the Road Network and the Path Network. A ConnectingLink feature is a linear spatial object which represents a logical connection between the Path Network and the Road Network; it does not represent a feature in the real world. A ConnectingLink will always reference a PathNode and a ConnectingNode. The context diagram below shows how the ConnectingLink relates to PathNode and ConnectingNode.
Three-dimensional geometry has been given to ConnectingLink features. This is to facilitate routing that requires coincidence of co-ordinates. Given the nature of connecting feature, this geometry is for connectivity purposes only.
A ConnectingLink is not a representation of a real-world object. It is a logical indicator of the connection between the Path Network and the Road Network.
Unique identifier; for ConnectingLink, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), Toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The implied connection between the RoadLink and the PathLink. Note, this is represented as a three-dimensional geometry to facilitate connectivity, but it is a logical connection not a physical alignment.
Attribute name: geometry
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
Indicator that the geometry of the link is a straight line with no intermediate control points – unless the straight line represents the geography in the resolution of the data set appropriately.
Attribute name: fictitious (GML), fictitious (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
A reference to the ConnectingNode which the ConnectingLink references.
Attribute name: connectingNode_href (GML), connecting_node (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
A reference to the PathNode which the ConnectingLink references.
Attribute name: pathNode_href (GML), path_node (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
A Street feature extends and specialises the Road feature and in the Path Network product they will only represent Streets made up of PathLinks. A Street feature is populated from the National and Scottish Street Gazetteers and will exist where their Elementary Street Unit geometry has been matched to only PathLinks. They will represent either the complete Street or a section of a Street within an Administrative Unit, Town, or Locality and provides additional information about who is responsible for its naming and or numbering. A PathLink can be referenced by multiple Street features.
The Street extends the Road feature to provide the additional attribution required to adhere to BS 7666:
USRN: The Unique Street Reference Number is the unique and persistent identifier of a Street assigned by the Roads or Highway Authority.
Street Type: The type of Gazetteer record for which the USRN relates. It is mandatory for all USRNs to be assigned a Street Type.
Operational State: Indicates whether the Street is proposed, under construction, open, or closed (permanently or temporarily).
Responsible Authority: Reference to the authority which performs an administrative function – notably naming and numbering.
A Street will split when it crosses the boundary of an Administrative Area where the local maintenance responsibility changes. A Street could also split at a town or locality boundary to allow properties to be located uniquely upon a street via a unique identifier (i.e. USRN).
In the definitions below, users should read the term Highways as Roads when applied to streets in Scotland.
Any road, footway, path, cycletrack, track or passageway that forms a highway. A highway represents individual subsections of Road which are managed (naming/numbering) by a specified responsible authority.
Constraints: A Street shall have at least one of designatedName (Type 1), descriptor (Type 2), nationalRoadCode (Type 3), or localName (Type 4). If a Street has a descriptor, it shall not have a designatedName.
Unique Street Reference Number (USRN), a unique and persistent identifier assigned by the Roads or Highway Authority.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), usrn (GeoPackage), Usrn (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 29
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object. Note: This is the USRN from the NSG or TRSG or SSG.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The time when the transport link set started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Street description allocated by a Street Naming Authority or Highway Authority used to identify a street that does not have a designated name.
Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: descriptor (GML), descriptor (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 120
Multiplicity: [0..2]
Official name assigned to the highway by a designated Street Naming Authority.
Attribute name: designatedName (GML), designated_name (GeoPackage), designated_name (Vector Tiles)
Type: DesignatedNameType
Multiplicity: [0..2]
Unofficial local name associated to the highway.
Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: localName (GML), local_name (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 120
Multiplicity: [0..2]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Classification of the type of Street from the National Street Gazetteer.
Attribute name: streetType (GML), street_type (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: StreetTypeValue
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
Indicator identifying the physical nature of the road e.g. Under Construction.
Attribute name: operationalState (GML), operational_state (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: OperationalStateType
Multiplicity: [1]
The Populated Place representing the locality that the Street is located within.
Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: locality (GML), locality (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..2]
The settlement that the Street falls within.
Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: town (GML), town (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..2]
The administrative area that the Street is located within. #
Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: administrativeArea (GML), administrative_area (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [1..2]
Reference to the authority that has current responsibility for naming and numbering.
Attribute name: responsibleAuthority (GML), responsible_authority (GeoPackage), responsible_authority (Vector Tiles)
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [1]
Identify where the geometry of the feature originated.
Attribute name: responsibleAuthority (GML), responsible_authority (GeoPackage), responsible_authority (Vector Tiles)
Type: ProvenanceSourceValue
Multiplicity: [1]
The aggregated geometry of all the PathLink features which make up the feature.
Attribute name: Not provided (GML), geometry (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: GM_MultiCurve
Multiplicity: [1]
A reference to the unique identifier of administrative areas managed by the Office for National Statistics. Role is used to describe the authority - 'Upper Tier Local Authority', 'Lower Tier Local Authority' and 'Unitary Local Authority'
Attribute name: gssCode (GML), gss_code (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 9
Multiplicity: [0..2]
The reference to the PathLink features which builds up the Street feature.
Attribute name: link_href (GML), link (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1..*]
A FerryNode is a point spatial object which is used to represent the connectivity between FerryLinks and where the FerryLinks start and end. A FerryNode feature may serve multiple FerryLink features if more than one destination is served from the same location. FerryNodes will always be referenced by at least one FerryLink.
The context diagram shows how the FerryNode has been inherited from INSPIRE, the attribution held on the FerryNode and how it relates to the other Ferry components.
A feature representing the point at which a vehicular or pedestrian ferry route or section of ferry route starts or ends.
Unique identifier; for FerryNode, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The location of the node.
Attribute name: Not provided (GML), geometry (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
The time when the transport node started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Description of the function of a waterway node in the water transport network.
Attribute name: formOfWaterwayNode (GML), form_of_waterway_node (GeoPackage), form_of_waterway_node (Vector Tiles)
Type: FormOfWaterwayNodeValue
Size: 14
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The Ferry and Road Network elements are linked together through a FerryTerminal. A FerryTerminal is a logical connection between the two networks and therefore there is no geometry supplied with these features. They will reference one PathNode and one FerryNode. The FerryTerminals will also provide a reference to the OS MasterMap Sites feature.
The context diagram shows how the FerryTerminal has been inherited from INSPIRE, the attribution held on the FerryTerminal and how it relates to the other Ferry components.
A logical connection between a PathNode or RoadNode and the FerryNode. It represents the connection between the Road or Path Network and the Ferry Network.
Unique identifier; for FerryTerminal, this is a TOID.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Categorisation of the network connection.
Attribute name: type (GML), type (GeoPackage)
Type: ConnectionTypeValue
Size: 10
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the Ferry Terminal. Note: Where a feature has more than one name, the language of each name is provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code (‘eng’, ‘cym’, ‘gla’).
Attribute name: ferryTerminalName (GML), ferry_terminal_name (GeoPackage)
Type: LocalisedCharacterString
Size: 120
Multiplicity: [0..2]
The recognised code of the Ferry Terminal.
Attribute name: ferryTerminalCode (GML), ferry_terminal_code (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 10
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage)
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Reference to the Site representation of the Ferry Terminal in OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
Attribute name: refToFunctionalSite (GML), ref_to_functional_site (GeoPackage)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reference to the RoadNode or PathNode and the FerryNode. The type of node the element is referencing will be identified through the xlink:title.
Attribute name: elementId (GML), element_id (GeoPackage)
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [2..*]
Reinstatement defines the standard to which the Path must be restored following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the in England and Wales and the in Scotland.
A Reinstatement feature will reference back to the Path Network through a Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location.
The standard to which the highway must be restored to following street works.
If partialRefernce = true then NetworkReferenceLocation shall be expressed.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), unique_id (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef (GML), network_ref (GeoPackage)
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Reinstatement as defined in the Specification for Reinstatement of Opening in Highways codes of practice in England and Wales and the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads in Scotland.
Attribute name: reinstatementType (GML), reinstatement_type (GeoPackage)
Size: 51
Multiplicity: [1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference (GML), partial_reference (GeoPackage)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage)
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken.
A Special Designation feature will reference back to the Path Network through Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location.
A description applied to a highway to protect it during Street or Road Works.
If partialRefernce = true then NetworkReferenceLocation shall be expressed.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), unique_id (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef (GML), network_ref (GeoPackage)
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The time from which the transport property no longer exists in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validTo (GML), valid_to (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of Special Designation.
Attribute name: designation (GML), designation (GeoPackage)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [1]
Additional information describing the special designation.
Attribute name: description (GML), description (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 50
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Time period to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: startTime (GML), endTime (GML), start_time (GeoPackage), end_time (GeoPackage)
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Highway authority to be contacted for further consultation about the special designation.
Attribute name: contactAuthority (GML), contact_authority (GeoPackage)
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference (GML), partial_reference (GeoPackage)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage)
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Maintenance provides information about whether the path is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority, or is maintained by another responsible organisation (i.e. not maintained at public expense). If a path is prospectively maintainable at public expense, then this is not currently maintained by a road or highway authority, but the responsible organisation has started the process for a highway or road authority to become responsible for the maintenance of the street at public expense.
Maintenance responsibility is not an indication of ownership.
A Maintenance feature will reference back to the Path Network through a Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location.
Indication of whether the highway is maintained by a Highways Authority, Local Highways Authority, Road Authority or privately.
If maintenanceResponsibility = "Maintainable At Public Expense" then maintenanceAuthority will be populated.
If partialRefernce = true then NetworkReferenceLocation shall be expressed.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), unique_id (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef_title (GML), network_ref_title (GeoPackage)
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Indication of whether the highway is maintainable at public expense.
Attribute name: maintenanceResponsibility (GML), maintenance_responsibility (GeoPackage)
Size: 44
Multiplicity: [1]
Authority responsible for maintenance of the highway. Note: When maintenanceResponsibility = ‘Not Maintained at Public Expense’ the maintenanceAuthority will be null.
Attribute name: maintenanceAuthority (GML), maintenance_authority (GeoPackage)
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference (GML), partial_reference (GeoPackage)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The authority which the highway resides in. Note: When the maintenanceAuthority is Highways England then highwayAuthority will be set to Highways England. When maintenanceResponsibility = ‘Not Maintained at Public Expense’ then this is the authority the works operator must contact when applying to carry out works on this street.
Attribute name: highwayAuthority (GML), highway_authority (GeoPackage)
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage)
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Highway dedication provides an indication of the type of Highway user who has access to that particular section of the Highway.
Against every section of geometry supplied by the local highway authority there will be one of eight different types of Highway Dedication defined in the Highways Act 1980 and the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 which determines the Highway user access.
There can only be one Highway Dedication type applied to the geometry at any given date or time.
It is likely that more than one Highway Dedication type applies to a section of Highway (i.e. a highway open to all vehicles will also have pedestrian way or footway access) so the following is an order of priority where the highway dedications under each is inferred:
Motorway *
All Vehicles
Byway Open to All Traffic
* Motorways and Cycle Tracks (not Cycle Ways) impose restrictions on all other Highway users.
Restricted Byway
Cycle Track * or Cycle Way
Pedestrian Way or Footpath
The Highway Dedication also identifies if the feature forms part of a National Cycle Route, Public Right of Way, Quiet Route, Physical Obstruction or Planning Order or Vehicular Traffic order exist.
The Highway dedication value is only an inference of where a Public Right of Way exists and therefore not the definitive record of Public Rights of Way, that is the definitive map held by the relevant authority.
A Highway Dedication feature will reference back to the Path Network through Network Reference and will reference a RoadLink or Street Feature.
The Highway Dedication Feature Type is not extended to Scotland because this information does not exist in the source local authority data.
Definition of which type of Highway user has access to a particular section of the Highway.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: gml_id (GML), toid (GeoPackage), toid (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier (GML), identifier (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion (GML), begin_lifespan_version (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef (GML), network_ref (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom (GML), valid_from (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange (GML), reason_for_change (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The type of Highway Dedication that applies to this section of the Street.
Attribute name: dedication (GML), dedication (GeoPackage), dedication (Vector Tiles)
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
Time period to which the dedication applies.
Attribute name: startTime (GML), start_time (GeoPackage), start_time (Vector Tiles), endTime (GML), end_time (GeoPackage), end_time (Vector Tiles)
Multiplicity: [0..*]
An indication if the dedication is subject to a formal cycle classification.
Attribute name: nationalCycleRoute (GML), national_cycle_route (GeoPackage), national_cycle_route (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
An indication if the dedication is subject to a quiet route.
Attribute name: quietRoute (GML), quiet_route (GeoPackage), quiet_route (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [0..1]
An indication if the dedication contains a physical obstruction to vehicles.
Attribute name: obstruction (GML), obstruction (GeoPackage), obstruction (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
An indication if a pedestrian planning order applies to the dedication.
Attribute name: planningOrder (GML), planning_order (GeoPackage), planning_order (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [0..1]
An indication if the dedication has a Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting any works in the Highway at all times.
Attribute name: worksProhibited (GML), works_prohibited (GeoPackage), works_prohibited (Vector Tiles)
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The geometry that represents the centreline of the dedication.
Attribute name: Not provided (GML), geometry (GeoPackage), Not provided (Vector Tiles)
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]