This release note provides information about the October 2024 release of OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer provides a nationally consistent representation of polygon features that represent the area or extent of certain types of function or activity in Sites with the appropriate attribution. The product also includes Access Points to assist users in navigating into and out of the Sites (with references to the OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads product).
Functional Site (TOIDs)
48 204
48 624
Access Point (TOIDs)
146 296
147 581
Routing Point (TOIDs)
Routing Points are no longer supplied from the October 2023 release onwards (see the 'Product Improvements' section below for full details).
There are no significant issues that would impair the use of this product in the October 2024 release. However, two minor errors have been identified with this release that users should be aware of:
There are 25 instances of Access Point features not intersecting the edge of the associated Functional Site, whereby the Access Point geometry is between 5m and 100m in distance from the referenced Functional Site.
327 Access Points reference Road Nodes that do not exist in the latest OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads product release, although this error is often due to the timing of the releases not lining up.
To meet customer needs, Ordnance Survey has created a fully routable multi-modal network, and a key element of this is to provide more usable data about the access to destinations. To this end, we are now directly splitting our Road, Track and Path data where Access Link features connect to the network; this will allow customers to more easily route into Sites using OS network data.
Whereas previously some Access Points referenced Routing Points, all will now reference a Road Node from the OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads product. Consequently, there is no requirement for Routing Point features, and these features are no longer suppled as part of the OS MasterMap Sites Layer product.
As a result, the Routing Point layer has not been supplied from the October 2023 publication onwards.
For customers that use Geography Markup Language (GML) format, there is no change to the schema, so product loading should be unaffected. However, please be aware that for customers using GeoPackage, no table for Routing Points is provided, and similarly for the vector tiles format, no layer is provided for Routing Points.
The next release of OS MasterMap Sites Layer is scheduled for April 2025.
This getting started guide provides instructions for using OS MasterMap Sites Layer in different software applications. Users with limited technical knowledge will be able to follow this guide.
This getting started guide shows you how to load the GML supply of the OS MasterMap Sites Layer into several commonly used geographical information system (GIS) applications.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer is supplied as an online download in the .
You can order OS MasterMap Sites Layer data for either all of Great Britain or by 5 km² tile. In the 5 km² tiles, features are not clipped at tile edges, resulting in what is known as 'hairy' tiles.
The product is available in the following formats:
Vector tiles (MBTiles)
GML (3.2.1)
All formats contain three layers: Functional Site, Access Point, and Routing Point.
The GML file naming conventions for OS MasterMap Sites Layer are:
National datasets are grouped into the seven themes within Sites Layer: air transport, education, medical care, rail transport, road transport, water transport, and utility and industrial.
File names follow this pattern: <product>_<theme>_<area>.gz, for example, osmmsites_airt_england.gz.
Tiled datasets are provided in 5 km² tiles. Each tile includes all themes present in that tile. Files names follow this pattern: <5k tile ID>.gz, for example, HP5000.gz.
These instructions are based on QGIS version 3.22.4 and assume you have set the default coordinate reference system to British National Grid (EPSG 27700).
To load and display GML data in QGIS:
Open an existing project or create a new one.
In Layer, click Add Layer > Add Vector Layer.
In the Data Source Manager dialog:
Vector > Source > Vector Dataset(s): Click …, navigate to and select the GML file on your computer.
Click Add.
In the Select Items to Add dialog, select one or more site layers and click Add Layers.
Close Data Source Manager.
Your GML data now displays in both the Layers panel and map area. The data is un-styled and will look similar to the following image:
Layers panel:
Data is typically grouped by tile reference.
If you open both the point (AccessPoint and RoutingPoint) and polygon (FunctionalSite) layers, you may need to reorder the layers to see the data in the map area. Use drag and drop to do this.
If you are dealing with multiple tiles of 5 km² OS MasterMap Sites Layer data, consider converting your data to another format (for example, shapefile) as GML data does not always merge seamlessly.
Rendering performance of GML data in QGIS is not as good as other formats (for example, shapefiles), because GML data cannot be spatially indexed.
The sections that follow show you how to convert GML data to shapefile and how to apply a spatial index to shapefiles.
To convert GML to shapefile in QGIS:
In the Layers panel, right-click on the layer you want to convert and click Export > Save Features As....
In the Save Vector Layer as… dialog:
Format: Select ESRI Shapefile.
File name: Click …, navigate to the folder in which you want to store the shapefile, name the file, and click Save.
Click OK.
When you click OK, QGIS creates a shapefile from the exported GML file and saves it to the selected folder.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each layer you want to convert. For example, for the other layers of the 5km² OS MasterMap Sites Layer data.
When working with shapefiles, we recommend you apply a spatial index to the data, particularly when loading large or national sets of data. This significantly improves performance when rendering and panning the data.
To apply a spatial index to a shapefile in QGIS:
In the Layers panel, right-click on the layer you want to index and click Properties.
In the Layer Properties dialog:
Source > Geometry: Click Create Spatial Index and then click OK when the process is complete to close the success confirmation dialog.
Click OK.
These instructions are based on Cadcorp SIS Desktop version 9.0 and assume you have set the default coordinate reference system to British National Grid (EPSG 27700). The instructions are also valid for the free, read-only version, Cadcorp SIS Desktop Express.
To load and display GML data in Cadcorp SIS Desktop:
Open an existing map or create a new one.
In Home, click Add Overlay.
In the Overlay Types dialog:
Files: Select File and click Next.
Navigate to and select the file on your computer and click Finish.
Your GML data now displays in both the Maps panel and map area. The data is un-styled and will look similar to the following image:
This release note provides information about the April 2024 release of OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer provides a nationally consistent representation of polygon features that represent the area or extent of certain types of function or activity with the appropriate attribution. The product also includes access points to assist in navigating into and out of the sites (with references to OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads product).
Functional Site (TOIDs)
47 888
48 204
Access Point (TOIDs)
144 007
146 296
Routing Point (TOIDs)
Routing Points are no longer supplied from the October 2023 release onwards (see the 'Product Improvements' section below for full details).
There are no significant issues that would impair the use of this product in the April 2024 release. However, there is one minor error identified with this release that users should be aware of:
1. There are 26 instances of Access Point features not intersecting the edge of the associated Functional Site, whereby the Access Point geometry is between 5 and 100m in distance from the referenced Functional Site.
To meet customer needs, Ordnance Survey has created a fully routable multi-modal network, and a key element of this is to provide more usable data about the access to destinations. To this end, we are now directly splitting our road, track and path data where Access Link features connect to the network; this will allow customers to more easily route into sites using OS network data.
Whereas previously some Access Points referenced Routing Points, all will now reference a Road Node from OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads product. Consequently, there is no requirement for Routing Point features, and these features are no longer suppled as part of OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
As a result, no Routing Point layer has been supplied from the October 2023 publication onwards.
For customers that use GML format, there is no change to the schema so product loading should be unaffected. However please be aware that for customers using GeoPackage no table for Routing Points is provided and similarly for vector tile format no layer for Routing Points is provided.
The next release of OS MasterMap Sites Layer is scheduled for October 2024.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer is supplied in three different formats:
Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.2.1
Vector tiles (MBTiles)
OS MasterMap Sites Layer incorporates a web-based ordering system that allows customers to order their initial data supply and any updates, obtain price estimates and view details of their holdings on demand. The product is supplied as an online download. You can download data in various formats from the OS Data Hub.
For GML, OS MasterMap Sites Layer is a national dataset and is maintained and supplied as 5km² tiles of data via Area of Interest (AOI) supply or as Great Britain (GB) supply. File size estimates can vary from about 2 KB compressed to about 162 KB (compressed) for tile supply. A full GB supply will be approximately 43 MB compressed. Compression rates vary and are dependent on the size and content of a tile.
For GeoPackage and vector tiles, the coverage will be GB supply only. The file size is approximately 90 MB zipped for GeoPackage, and 160 MB zipped for vector tiles.
Change-only updates (COU) are not available for OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
You can use the Astun Technology Loader to convert GML 3.2.1 data to other geospatial and non- geospatial formats. This is a free, open-source loader for geographic data in GML and KML formats. It is written in Python and uses OGR 1.9. source data to output to any format supported by OGR, for example, shapefile and MapInfo TAB.
This loader was originally written to load OS MasterMap Topography Layer data in GML / GZ format, but you can use it to load other GML data. The loader was last updated in December 2021.
Installation files and guides for the loader, including configuration examples, are available from the AstunTechnology/Loader repository on GitHub.
The product contains three feature types:
Functional site polygons (FunctionalSite)
Functional site access points (AccessPoint)
Functional site routing points (RoutingPoint)
A functional site is a polygon representing the area, or extent, of certain types of function or activity, with appropriate attribution. It gives information surrounding the functional theme of the site (for example, education), specific site function (for example, primary education), site name, site size, primary site Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and additional supporting attribution (for example, version date).
Functional site themes are discussed in more detail further into this section.
An access point is a point feature type that refers to the accepted/maintained locations where pedestrians and/or vehicles can enter or leave a site. It gives information associated with access type (for example, pedestrian), contains attribution that allows interoperability with other feature types (for example, reference to routing point) and additional supporting attribution (for example, version date).
A routing point is a point feature type that refers to a position on the OS MasterMap Highways ‘road link’ feature that is close to a functional site access point. It can be used to aid vehicle navigation to the access point of the functional site via the OS MasterMap Highways Network. It also gives additional supporting attribution such as ‘version date’ and ‘start distance’.
*To meet customer needs a fully routable modal network is being created. A key element of this is to provide more usable data about the access to destinations. As a result, we are now directly splitting our road, track and path data where Access Links connect to the network. This will allow users to more easily route into sites using OS network data.
As nodes have now been created within the networks data, where Access Link features connect, there is now no requirement for Decision Node features and they are being removed from the Sites products.
This section describes the themes that are included in OS MasterMap Sites Layer and lists examples of functional sites that are represented within these.
This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by air, or where aircraft take off and land.
Examples: airfield, airport, heliport.
This theme includes a very broad group of sites with a common high-level primary function of providing education (either state-funded or by fees).
Examples: non-state primary education, special needs education and higher or university education.
This theme includes sites that focus on the provision of secondary medical care services.
Examples: hospice, hospital and medical care accommodation.
This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by rail.
Examples: railway stations, vehicular rail terminals and tram stations.
This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by road.
Examples: bus stations, coach stations and road user services.
This theme includes sites involved in the transfer of passengers or goods onto vessels for transport across water.
Examples: vehicular ferry terminal and passenger ferry terminal.
This theme includes sites where the following activities take place:
The principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials on a large scale
Energy (that is, electricity, gas or oil) is produced, refined, distributed or stored
Examples: chemical works, oil terminal and gas distribution or storage.
A sample style for the graphical depiction of the functional site extents, access and routing points has been designed to aid customers with illustrating this product. Ordnance Survey has created Style Layer Descriptors (SLD); these can be found on GitHub.
These instructions are based on FME Desktop version 2021.1.
To load and display GML data in FME Desktop:
Open an existing workspace or create a new one.
In Readers, click Add Reader.
In the Add Reader dialog:
Format: Select OGC GML (Geography Markup Language).
Dataset: Click …, navigate to and select the GML file on your computer.
Coord. System: Optionally, select EPSG:27700. FME should detect the correct system automatically.
Click OK.
In the Select Feature Types dialog, select the layers (feature types) you want to load and click OK.
This dialog may take a while to load. You can watch the progress in green bar at the bottom left of the FME UI.
A set of readers (matching the feature types your selected) displays in the main work area.
Right-click a reader and click Connect Inspector.
An inspector automatically connects to the reader.
Click the green Run To This icon (triangle above the inspector) and then click Run in the Translation Parameter Values dialog.
A table and graphical preview of the GML data displays below the main work area when the Run command completes.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each layer (feature type).
You can use FME to convert GML data to other geospatial and non-spatial formats. The instructions below demonstrate how to convert to shapefile, but you can adapt them for different formats.
To convert GML to shapefile in FME Desktop:
Open an existing workspace or create a new one.
In Readers, click Add Reader…
In the Add Reader dialog:
Format: Select OGC GML (Geography Markup Language).
Dataset: Click …, then navigate to and select the GML file on your computer.
Coord. System: Optionally, select EPSG:27700. FME should detect the correct system automatically.
Click OK.
In the Select Feature Types dialog, select the layers (feature types) you want to load and click OK.
This dialog may take a while to load. You can watch the progress in the green bar at the bottom left of the FME UI.
A set of readers (matching the feature types you selected) displays in the main work area.
In Writers, click Add Writer…
In the Add Writer dialog:
Format: Select Esri Shapefile.
Dataset: Click …, then navigate to and select the folder in which you want to save your translated data.
Click OK.
In the Select Feature Types dialog, select the feature types (layers) you want to convert, and click OK.
This dialog may take a while to load. You can watch the progress in the green bar at the bottom left of the FME UI.
A set of writers (matching the feature types you selected) displays in the main work area to the right of their matching readers.
Connect each reader to its matching writer by dragging the grey triangle on the reader to the red triangle on the writer.
Click the green arrow in the top bar to run the workspace.
In the Translation Parameter Values dialog, check that the source and destination file locations are correct and click Run.
You can watch the conversion progress in the Translation Log below the main work area.
When the conversion is complete, both the GML files and shapefiles will be available in the file system on your computer and in the FME Navigator panel.
These instructions are based on ArcMap version 10.8.1 and assume you have set the default coordinate reference system in ArcMap to British National Grid (EPSG 27700).
If your ArcMap is older than version 10.0, or if you do not have access to the Quick Import (Data Interoperability) extension, use the translation tools available in FME or QGIS (see previous sections for instructions) to convert the GML data to shapefiles before loading them into ArcMap.
You can import GML data into ArcMap using the Quick Import tool. The imported data will be un-styled.
Due to the large file size, some 5 km2 grid tile imports (especially within larger cities) may take time to process.
To load GML data in ArcMap:
In the top bar, click the ArcToolbox icon.
Expand Data Interoperability Tools and double-click Quick Import.
In the Quick Import dialog:
Input Dataset: Click … to open the Specify Data Source dialog:
Format: Select GML SF-0 (Geography Markup Language Simple Features Level SF-0 Profile).
Dataset: Click …, then navigate to and select the GML file on your computer.
Click OK.
Output Staging Geodatabase: Click the folder icon, navigate to and select the output folder on your computer.
Click OK.
The Quick Import tool creates a new geodatabase and imports the data into it.
To display the GML data in ArcMap:
Click Add Data in the tool bar.
In the Add Data dialog, select the file geodatabase (created in the previous procedure) on your computer and click Add.
Your GML data now displays in the Layers panel and map area. The data is un-styled and will look similar to the following example:
As an alternative to using ArcMap’s Quick Import tool (previous section), you can convert your GML data to shapefile using QGIS or FME, and then add it directly to ArcMap. There are instructions on how to do this in previous sections of this guide.
To load and display shapefiles in ArcMap:
Open an existing project or create a new one.
In the top bar, click Add Data.
In the Add Data dialog, select the shapefile you want to load, and click Add.
If the required folder does not display in the tree, click the Connect To Folder icon and navigate to the folder from there.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to load the additional shapefiles (AccessPoint and RoutingPoint) that make up each 5 km2 tile of OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
Your data now displays in the Layers panel and map area. The data is un-styled and will look similar to the following example:
This overview introduces OS MasterMap Sites Layer and gives context for all users – highlighting key features, providing examples of uses, and listing details such as file sizes, supply formats, etc.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer provides a nationally maintained view of the detailed extents of important locations such as airports, schools, hospitals, utility and infrastructure sites, and more. The points of access and routing points, to navigate in and out of the sites, are also provided.
All the source data that is used in the creation of has information about its function or purpose, and the Sites Layer is intended to enhance analytical use of this information.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer features are a representation of what people see in the real world, where the common view of something (such as a school) is not the address, the main building or the playing fields, but is the site as a whole.
The features are derived from Ordnance Survey’s detailed data content; therefore, the classification and grouping of features is dependent upon the source data capture specification.
Many customers want to be able to answer a simple question, for example, ‘How close is this school to something?’, ‘What would be affected in the event of an emergency?’ or ‘How much of this hospital would flood?’
OS MasterMap Sites Layer creates a way for customers to easily answer these questions. It helps customers start using Ordnance Survey’s large-scale data in a more analytical manner.
The provision of ‘form and function’ information in OS MasterMap Sites Layer for risk modelling, business analysis and informed decision-making enables the use of intelligence sourced from for applications such as data analytics. The product will help customers start the journey to a more analytical use of OS MasterMap Topography Layer and would provide closer integration with OS MasterMap Highways Network and AddressBase product families.
It is important to note that the OS MasterMap Sites Layer product does not indicate the definitive or legal extent, but rather the extent of usage or function.
The following table outlines the potential benefits of OS MasterMap Sites Layer for different customer groups:
The product data is maintained alongside other Ordnance Survey large-scale content in an integrated edit environment. This will ensure that any relevant real-world change is updated in all relevant OS MasterMap Layers at the same time.
The product is updated every six months (April and October) as a full supply only.
These instructions are based on MapInfo Professional version 16.0 and assume you have set the default coordinate reference system to British National Grid (EPSG 27700).
While MapInfo Professional can open GML 3.2.1 files without prior translation, for performance and compatibility reasons, we recommended you use the universal translator in MapInfo to convert the GML supply to MapInfo .TAB files prior to loading the data.
The sub-sections below provide alternative instructions for working with GML data in MapInfo Professional.
To load and display the GML supply directly into MapInfo Professional:
Open an existing project or create a new one.
In Home, click Open > Universal Data.
In the Specify Data Source dialog:
Format: Select GML (Geography Markup Language).
Dataset: Click …, navigate to and select the GML file on your computer.
Click OK.
In the Select Layers dialog, select the layers you want to load, and click OK.
Your GML data now displays in the Maps panel and map area. The data is un-styled and will look similar to the following example:
To convert the GML supply to MapInfo TAB in MapInfo Professional:
Open an existing project or create a new one.
In Table click Universal Translator.
In the FME Quick Translator dialog click Translate.
In the Set Translation Parameters dialog:
Format: Select GML (Geography Markup Language).
Dataset: Click …, navigate to and select the GML file on your computer.
Format: Select MapInfo TAB (MAPINFO).
Dataset: Click …, navigate to and select the folder in which to store your TAB files.
Click OK.
When the conversion is complete (about 30 seconds), close the FME Quick Translator dialog.
To load the converted MapInfo TAB files in MapInfo Professional:
In Home click Open > Table.
In the browser dialog, select MapInfo (*.tab) as the file type, navigate to the folder in which you stored the converted MapInfo TAB files, select the layers you want to open, and click Open.
Your data now displays in the Maps panel and map area. The data is un-styled and will look similar to the following example:
OS MasterMap Sites Layer provides a nationally maintained view of the detailed extents of important locations such as airports, schools, hospitals, utility and infrastructure sites, and more. The points of access and routing points, to navigate in and out of the sites, are also provided.
This product is updated every six months in April and October.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer shows what people see in the real world, where the common view of something (such as a school) is not the address, the main building or the playing fields, but is the site as a whole.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer gives you an understanding of the wider geographic perspective, such as how assets interact with specific types of sites (for example, schools).
Identify where the most appropriate access points into a site are, enabling more detailed planning for emergency situations.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer routing points enable more efficient responses and more effective deployment of resources.
The OS MasterMap Sites Layer groups features into seven themes: Air transport, Education, Medical care, Rail transport, Road transport, Water transport, and Utility or industrial. Each feature is available as three feature types: Functional Site, Access Point and Routing Point.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer can help you answer questions like ‘How close is this school to something?’ or ‘What would be affected in the event of an emergency?’.
Access: Download
Data theme: Land Use
Data structure: Vector – Polygons
Coverage: Great Britain
Scale: 1:1 250 to 1:10 000
Format: GeoPackage, vector tiles, GML 3.2.1
Ordering area: All of Great Britain or customisable area (5km² tiles)
Publication months: April, October
OS Data Hub plan: Premium Plan, Public Sector Plan
We recommend you read the following guides:
To access additional documentation and resources relating to this product, please refer to the following:
New users should start with the Overview to gain high-level insight into the product. The Getting Started Guide will help you to begin using product data in different software systems. The Technical Specification contains detailed technical insights.
This technical specification provides detailed technical information about OS MasterMap Sites Layer . It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer provides a nationally consistent polygonised representation of areas or extents of particular function or activity, and which are attributed to best reflect that function. It also contains access points and routing points to navigate in and out of the captured sites. These access points reference the OS MasterMap Highways Network product for easy interoperability between the two products.
All the source data used in the creation of OS MasterMap Topography Layer contains insight about a site’s function or purpose, and the Sites Layer is intended to not only make this information available, but to enhance its analytical capabilities. OS MasterMap Sites Layer features are a representation of the boundary of real-world facilities, such as a school, where the site consists of more than an addressable main building.
The features are derived from Ordnance Survey’s highly detailed core data, and therefore the classification and grouping of features is dependent upon the source data capture specification. The product contains three feature types:
Functional site polygons (FunctionalSite)
Functional site access points (AccessPoint)
Functional site routing points (RoutingPoint)
These three types are defined in this document in INSPIRE-compatible terms, with reference to the INSPIRE data specifications for facilities. The attribute naming convention also takes into consideration consistency with attribute names in other OS MasterMap layers and products.
It is important to note that the attribute naming has been carried over from the former OS MasterMap Integrated Transport Network (ITN) Layer. This has been done to minimise the impact of the implementation of OS MasterMap Highways Network.
The components that make up these features, and their relationships are shown in the product’s logical model diagram below.
A main premise of the OS MasterMap product family is that layers of the differing products can be integrated with each other.
Layers are integrated by the sharing of common coordinate systems and contextual identifiers. Except for the Imagery Layer, the TOID feature identification attribute provides a unique feature-level reference that can be used to identify and track a feature between related OS MasterMap layers. For example, in OS MasterMap Sites Layer, there is an explicit link between the access point feature and the OS MasterMap Highways Network Layer road node that is closest to it.
The 'accessMechanism', 'accessDirection', 'accessUseRestriction', 'dateTimeQualifier', 'heightQualifier', 'widthQualifier', 'weightQualifier', 'lengthQualifier' and 'natureOfAccess' attribute values are currently not populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
The OS MasterMap Sites Layer product is supplied in three different formats:
Geography Markup Language (GML) version 3.2.1
Vector tiles (MBTiles)
The OS MasterMap Sites Layer technical specification contains the following sections:
A theme is a set of features that have been grouped together for the convenience of customers and to provide a high-level means of dividing the data in the layer logically. Features belong to only one theme.
Below are descriptions of the themes that are currently included in OS MasterMap Sites Layer and examples of functional sites that are represented within these themes. Also provided is an explanation of the features included or excluded during the capture process of an extent.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer provides seven themes:
This data specification works within the existing structure of OS MasterMap as represented in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram below:
A layer is a set of related geospatial data which is then divided into one or more themes (much like OS MasterMap Topography Layer). These themes can be used together to form an end-user application.
Features are digital representations of real-world concepts such as a building, road or barrier. The life cycle of a feature, its creation, modification and deletion are managed to most appropriately reflect the life cycle of the abstracted real-world concept that they depict.
An attribute is any item of information contained within an OS MasterMap feature. The TOID and the geometry of the feature are both attributes.
This theme includes sites associated with movement of passengers and goods by air, or where aircraft take off and land.
Only clearly defined helicopter stations and heliports outside of airfields and airports are to be captured.
All active air transport features (including military sites) will be captured as indicated below unless they fall out of scope (for example, a private property) or are described as disused sites.
The following features are included in the captured extent:
Buildings for the handling of air passengers and goods.
Buildings for the storage and maintenance of aircraft.
Aircraft landing and taxiing surfaces (man-made or natural).
Site access roads and paths.
Structures associated with the operation of the site.
Car parks for air passengers.
Areas of man-made and natural surface totally surrounded by included areas.
Areas of man-made and natural surface abutting included areas along a non-obstructing edge.
The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Aircraft-related services outside of perimeter fence (for example, warehouses or catering).
Public through-roads and pavements.
Hotels adjacent to site and their car parks.
Access to this product is free for Public Sector Geospatial (Agreement) PSGA Members. Find out if you are a PSGA Member or find other ways to access OS MasterMap Sites Layer data by visiting the , which has links to all of the relevant resources.
OS MasterMap Sites Layer data is available through our , providing location-based insights combining topography data with buildings, transport, and water layer data to create finely detailed datasets with a high degree of accuracy. Find out more about our to unlock access to rich geospatial data and integrate OS data and services into your applications.
Access to OS MasterMap Sites Layer data is also available through the and , providing data that is interoperable with other OS NGD themes, improved data structures, and a data schema designed to be simple to use and interrogate. Users may find NGD Land Theme data and NGD Land Use Theme data more accessible and easier to use with databases and GIS software. Find out more about to discover how to access OS NGD and what's available to users.
Within the Sites Layer, features belong to only one theme. A theme is a logical collection of features that have been grouped according to their classification or relationships. The primary purpose of themes is to enable easier selection and interrogation of features by the user. Themes do not form part of the classification of a feature and do not affect the feature life cycle rules. The Sites Layer is currently composed of seven themes which are defined fully on the pages.
Address, addressed premises
A permanent or non-permanent location with an address being a potential delivery point for Royal Mail.
Examples of addressed premises are a house, a flat within a block of flats, a caravan site, a bollard to which several houseboats may be moored or an organisation occupying the whole or part of a building.
Any item of information packaged in an OS MasterMap feature. The TOID and the geometry of the feature are both attributes of the feature. In GML and XML documents and specifications, this term is used in a different way. This usage is noted in the OS MasterMap specification as appropriate.
An organisation or individual that makes use of
Ordnance Survey’s data supply facilities. This includes both direct sales customers of Ordnance Survey and
Ordnance Survey Mapping and Data Centres, as well as customers of Licensed Partners. It does not include anyone, or any organisation, that has access to Ordnance Survey material without charge.
An identifiable set of data that shares common characteristics and that is managed as a subset of the data within a database.
Digital National Framework (DNF)
A nationally consistent geographic referencing framework for Great Britain, comprising the National Grid and the National Geographic Database, that defines each geographic feature as it exists in the real world with a maintained, unique reference allocated to each feature. The DNF is not a product; it is the framework on which our future products will be based.
An abstraction of a real-world object. It is not the real-world object itself. The OS MasterMap product is composed of discrete vector features, each of which has a feature type, geometry, and various feature attributes.
Geography Markup Language. An XML encoding for the transport and storage of geographic information, including both the geometry and attributes of geographic features.
The INSPIRE directive aims to create a European Union (EU) spatial data infrastructure. This will enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations and better facilitate public access to spatial information across Europe.
A layer is a group of related OS MasterMap themes. A layer may consist of one or more themes. For example, the Sites Layer is currently composed of seven themes, whereas the Topography Layer contains seven themes.
Life cycle
The series of events that occur in the life of a real-world object or the OS MasterMap feature(s) that represents it. This will always include those events that result in creation and deletion and may also include events that result in amendments or change.
National Grid
A unique referencing system that can be applied to all Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain at all scales.
It provides an unambiguous spatial reference for any place or entity in Great Britain.
Obscured level
Where more than one level of detail exists, all detail that meets the specification for capture positioned below cartographic surface level and either at or above ground surface level is captured as obscured detail. For example, detail under bridges is obscured whilst the bridge itself is at normal cartographic level.
A request from a customer for the supply of data. The scope of an order may be constrained by an agreement for a period licence service.
A pair of coordinates.
Point feature
A feature representing a real-world object. The geometry of a point feature is a single point (a pair of coordinates) with optional size and orientation.
Polygons are representations of areas. A polygon is defined as a closed line or perimeter that completely encloses a contiguous space and is made up of one or more lines.
Polygon feature
A polygonised representation of a real-world object. A polygon feature may be used to represent a building, field, lake, functional site extent and so on.
Positional accuracy
The accuracy of the feature geometry relative to the coordinate spatial reference system.
Real-world object
The real thing represented by a feature; for instance, a building, a section of fence, the boundary of a wood or a sharp change of gradient. For comparison, an example of a non-real-world object would be the line of an administrative boundary.
Spatial reference system
The term used in GML (and hence in OS MasterMap specifications) for the definition that allows each spatial position to be stated as a tuple. The only spatial reference system currently used in OS MasterMap is the British National Grid.
Supply format
The file format in which the data is supplied to the customer.
A collection of features that form some logical set, for example, buildings, water, land. In the OS MasterMap context, themes are a collection of features that are either similar in
nature or are related to specific usage.
A single feature may be in one or more themes. They are designed to allow the easy selection of features. They do not form part of the classification of the feature. The theme exists purely to facilitate customer data selection.
An identifier that uniquely identifies every feature.
Version date
The date the version of the feature was created by
Ordnance Survey within its master database of OS MasterMap.
Version number
A version number will identify that a feature has been altered. Version numbers will be allocated sequentially, with version 1 representing the creation of the feature.
eXtensible Markup Language. A flexible way to create common information formats and share both the format and the data on the Internet, Intranets and elsewhere. XML is extensible because, unlike HTML, the markup tags are unlimited and self- defining. XML is a simpler and easier to use subset of the Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML), the standard for how to create a document structure.
Energy and Infrastructure
Improved risk management of key assets and better risk planning.
Intelligence on which access point is impacted whilst dealing with a call-out.
More accurate risk analysis. Reduction in costs of maintenance planning and responding to call-outs.
A better understanding of the wider geographic perspective; for example, how assets are interacting with specific types of sites (for example, schools).
More intelligent risk models.
Better identification of areas where an insurer is exposed to accumulated risk or risk to their client’s assets.
More effective identification and modelling, using the extents of real-world features in understanding their vulnerability to natural hazards.
Accurate premiums reflecting true risk.
Central and local government
Ability to identify and manage public assets holistically, breaking down the administrative or ownership barriers to achieve more efficient use of publicly owned assets and to provide better services to citizens.
Improved understanding of the extent and function of a site and the contribution it may make to social, economic or environmental health of the area.
Reduced costs of capture and maintenance, improved efficiency in decision-making and the ability to effectively implement and monitor government policy.
Nationally consistent view of sites, providing core reference geographies, thus enabling data sharing between government departments.
Emergency services
Ability to respond more efficiently or deploy resources more effectively to emergencies.
Identification of the more appropriate access point into that site, and the best route to navigate to them.
Provision of a common operational picture, thus improving inter-agency communication.
Better information to feed into risk assessments, contingency planning, incident prevention and first response.
This section defines the attributes associated with the FunctionalSite feature. It is important to note that UML notation has been used to show the multiplicity for an attribute. These indicate whether an attribute is optional (0), has a single value (1), or can have either/or (0..1) where ‘or’ is represented by double dots (..).
Subtype of: ActivityComplex Feature
A spatial area object that describes the geometry, extent and function of a real-world feature.
The coordinate geometry defining the area of the functionalSite. This relates to multi-part geometry. The geometry is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: geometry
Value type: GM_Object
Size: Minimum of 3 vertices
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique identifier for a functionalSite that is maintained along with the version number and version date to reflect the life cycle of the feature. NOTE: equivalent to INSPIRE identifier.
Attribute Name: toid
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The version number of the data representation of the persisting functionalSite feature.
Attribute Name: version
Value type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the current version of the functionalSite was created.
Attribute Name: versionDate
Value type: Date
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
Reason for the current version of the functionalSite to be created. The valid reasons for change are defined in the ReasonForChangeValue code list.
Attribute Name: reasonForChange
Value type: ReasonForChangeValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
This refers to the INSPIRE Activity Complex Status. This refers to a description of the state of a functionalSite. The valid states are defined in the FunctionStatusValue code list.
Attribute Name: functionStatus
Value type: FunctionStatusValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
A description of the theme that a particular site falls under (that is, air transport, education, medical care and so on). The valid themes are defined in the FunctionThemeValue code list.
Attribute Name: functionTheme
Value type: FunctionThemeValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
A description of the actual function of a site (that is, airfield, junior school, hospital and so on). The valid themes are defined in the FunctionValue code list. For sites with multiple functions, the values will be provided together and separated by a ‘,’. Valid multiple functions are described in the Function combination table.
Attribute Name: function
Value type: FunctionValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
The perimeter (m) of the site or sum of the sites for a non-contiguous feature. The perimeter is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: perimeter
Value type: Length
Size: 10.2
Multiplicity: [1]
The area (m2) of the site or sum of the sites for a non-contiguous feature. The area is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: area
Value type: Real
Size: 16.6
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the site (for example, ‘Brighton College’). Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName1
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A second name of the site, if applicable. Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName2
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A third name of the site, if applicable. Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName3
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A fourth name of the site, if applicable. Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName4
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) assigned by the local custodian or Ordnance Survey to the primary building within a functional site (for example, main building in a school).
Attribute Name: primaryAddressBaseUPRN
Value type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on parties related to the functionalSite. It is open to many different roles, such as owners, operators or competent authorities. Where more than one stakeholder exists, this field contains multiple stakeholders separated by ‘ + ‘.
Attribute Name: stakeholder1
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on parties related to the functionalSite. It is open to many different roles, such as owners, operators or competent authorities. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: stakeholder2
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on the different roles of stakeholders for a particular functionalSite, such as users, owners, operators or competent authorities. The valid roles are defined in the StakeholderRoleValue code list.
Attribute Name: stakeholder1Role
Value type: StakeholderRoleValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on the different roles of stakeholders for a particular functionalSite, such as users, owners, operators or competent authorities. The valid roles are defined in the StakeholderRoleValue code list. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: stakeholder2Role
Value type: StakeholderRoleValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This describes the nature of the defined extent of the functionalSite at the time of capture. The valid roles are defined in the ExtentDefinitionValue code list.
Attribute Name: extentDefinition
Value type: ExtentDefinitionValue
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The 'stakeholder2' and 'stakeholder2Role' attribute values are currently not populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer
This section defines the attributes associated with the AccessPoint feature. It is important to note that UML notation has been used to show the multiplicity for an attribute. These indicate whether an attribute is optional (0), has a single value (1), or can have either/or (0..1) where ‘or’ is represented by double dots (..).
Subtype of: Node, TransportNode
The spatial object type defining a point where there is access into and/or out of a site.
The coordinate geometry defining the position of the accessPoint. The geometry is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: geometry
Value type: GM_Point
Size: One coordinate set
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique identifier for an accessPoint, which is maintained along with the version number and version date to reflect the life cycle of the feature. NOTE: equivalent to INSPIRE identifier.
Attribute Name: toid
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The version number of the data representation of the persisting accessPoint feature.
Attribute Name: version
Value type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the current version of the accessPoint was created.
Attribute Name: versionDate
Value type: Date
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
Reason for the current version of the accessPoint to be created. The valid reasons for change are defined in the ReasonForChangeValue code list.
Attribute Name: reasonForChange
Value type: ReasonForChangeValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
The unique identifier (TOID) of the functional site to which the accessPoint relates.
Attribute Name: refToFunctionalSite
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
This describes the nature of the access permitted at the accessPoint. The valid access types are defined in the AccessTypeValue code list. Where there is more than one type of access, the values will be provided together and separated by a ‘,’. Currently only Pedestrian and Motor Vehicles access types are populated.
Attribute Name: accessType
Value type: AccessTypeValue
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [1]
This describes the mechanism used to access the functional site through the accessPoint. The valid AccessMechanismValue are defined in the AccessMechanismValue code list. Where there is more than one type of access mechanism, the values will be provided together and separated by a ‘,’. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: accessMechanism
Value type: AccessMechanismValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the direction of travel that is permitted through the accessPoint. The valid access direction values are defined in the AccessDirectionValue code list. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: accessDirection
Value type: AccessDirectionValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the nature of any access restriction. The valid restrictions are defined in the AccessUseRestrictionValue code list. Where there is more than one type of restriction, the values will be provided together and separated by a ‘,’. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: accessUseRestriction
Value type: AccessUseRestrictionValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The unique identifier (TOID) of the related routingPoint feature, if there is one.
Attribute Name: refToRoutingPoint
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The unique identifier (TOID) of the related OS MasterMap Network Layer road node feature; if this is used rather than a routing point. The Network layers road node is used in an identical manner to that of the previous OSMM ITN version.
Attribute Name: refToITNRoadNode
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which the current version of the OS MasterMap Highways Network Layer road node was created. A default value of ‘1900-01-01’ will be used to indicate where the date of this feature has not been captured. The Network layers road node is used in an identical manner to that of the previous OSMM ITN version.
Attribute Name: itnRoadNodeVersionDate
Value type: Date
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the dates or times that access is permitted through the accessPoint.
Attribute Name: dateTimeQualifier
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the maximum vehicle height that is permitted through the accessPoint.
Attribute Name: heightQualifier
Value type: Distance
Size: 4.2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the maximum vehicle width that is permitted through the accessPoint.
Attribute Name: widthQualifier
Value type: Distance
Size: 4.2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the maximum vehicle weight that is permitted through the accessPoint.
Attribute Name: weightQualifier
Value type: Real
Size: 4.2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This refers to the maximum vehicle length that is permitted through the accessPoint.
Attribute Name: lengthQualifier
Value type: Distance
Size: 4.2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This describes the physical form of enforcement to expect at the accessPoint. The valid nature of access values is defined in the NatureOfAccessValue code list. Where there is more than one nature of access, the values will be provided together and separated by a ‘,’. Currently populated as Unknown.
Attribute Name: natureOfAccess
Value type: NatureOfAccessValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
This section defines the attributes associated with the RoutingPoint feature. It is important to note that UML notation has been used to show the multiplicity for an attribute. These indicate whether an attribute is optional (0), has a single value (1), or can have either / or (0..1) where ‘or’ is represented by double dots (..).
Subtype of: Node, TransportNode
The spatial object type defining point/node feature, which would normally lie on a Highways RoadLink and would be referenced by a particular access point.
The coordinate geometry defining the position of the routingPoint. The geometry is projected in two-dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: geometry
Value type: GM_Point
Size: One coordinate set
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique identifier for a routingPoint, which is maintained along with the version number and version date to reflect the life cycle of the feature. NOTE: equivalent to INSPIRE identifier.
Attribute Name: toid
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The version number of the data representation of the persisting routingPoint feature.
Attribute Name: version
Value type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the current version of the routingPoint was created.
Attribute Name: versionDate
Value type: Date
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
Reason for the current version of the routingPoint to be created. The valid reasons for change are defined in the ReasonForChangeValue code list.
Attribute Name: reasonForChange
Value type: ReasonForChangeValue
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The unique identifier (TOID) of the Highways road link feature that the routingPoint is related to.
Attribute Name: refToITNRoadLink
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the current version of the Highways Road Link was created. A default value of ‘1900-01-01’ will be used to indicate where the date of this feature has not been captured.
Attribute Name: itnRoadLinkVersionDate
Value type: Date
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
The distance (m) from the start of the referenced Network RoadLink feature to the vertex where the RoutingPoint is positioned. The startDistance is calculated in two-dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: startDistance
Value type: Length
Size: 7.2
Multiplicity: [1]
An area of ground where aircraft take off and land. It may have some permanent buildings, but it is smaller than an airport and may be for private use only.
A feature where aircraft land and take off and which provides facilities for handling passengers, air freight and servicing aircraft.
Helicopter station*
A feature from where bodies such as the police or ambulance service operate helicopter operations.
An airport specifically designed for use by helicopters.
This theme includes a very broad group of sites with a common high-level primary function of providing education (either state-funded or fee-paying).
Further education
Further education
An educational site for academic and vocational qualifications below degree level.
Higher education
Higher or university education
A feature where students study at National Qualifications Framework level 4 and above.
Higher or university education
An institution of higher education.
Non state primary or preparatory school
Non state primary education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is not funded by the state.
Non state secondary school
Non state secondary education
An educational establishment for children of eleven years and over that is not funded by the state.
First school
Primary education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of four to eight.
Infant school
Primary education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of five to seven.
Junior school
Primary education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven.
Middle school
Primary education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of eight to twelve or nine to thirteen.
Primary school
Primary education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is funded principally by the state.
Secondary school
Secondary education
Educational establishment for children over 11 years old.
Special needs education
Special needs education
A specialist school for the teaching of those with disabilities.
The table above shows how the main function of a site has been mapped across to the equivalent functional site attribution, for example, a first school will be attributed as ‘primary education’.
Where a school is described with one or more functions and it is not possible to ascertain which buildings relate to which function, the entire site will be captured once for each function present. There will also be instances where there are several functions associated to a single site.
In some cases, it may be possible to determine which buildings are related to the different functional sites, but not possible to divide the playing fields; as a result, the playing fields will be captured for each function and will overlap.
The following features are included in the captured extent:
All teaching and assembly buildings supporting education functions.
Ancillary buildings and structures directly enabling the site to operate (for example, boiler house, kitchens and waste disposal areas).
Site access roads and paths.
Recreational areas associated with the site (for example, playgrounds and playing fields).
Areas of man-made and natural surface totally surrounded by included areas.
For schools: areas of man-made and natural surface abutting included areas along a non-obstructing edge.
The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Public roads and pavements.
Pedestrian through-routes.
Separately addressed properties as indicated by house numbers.
Universities or higher education sites that have extensive and regionally disparate sites will be associated together using the stakeholder attribute, to specify a relationship between such sites that come under the control of a single stakeholder. This attribute is currently not populated but will be implemented in subsequent releases of the product.
Sites associated with professional bodies or work places will not be captured, for example, ‘Dance School’ or ‘Performing Arts School’.
A functional site is a geolocated polygon representing the extent encompassing features with a collective type of function or activity. The functional site is thematically attributed and accompanied by access points. All the source data used in the creation of the OS MasterMap Topography Layer contains information about a feature’s function or purpose. Much of this data has been exposed in the Functional Sites Layer as a means of enhancing its analytical functionality. Functional sites are a representation of an assembly of cartographic features that share a common function (such as a school). It could also be a contiguous collection of features; for example, ‘General Hospital’.
Functional sites are created using the base form and function attributes of topographic areas. Information, such as ownership is not included within those attributes and cannot be used to ascertain extent. Because of this, functional site extents should not be confused with, or applied as legal extents.
A functional site can have multiple functions, or they can share some topographical features with another functional site. Shared topographic features, such as a sports field shared by two schools, will have the field captured to both school functional sites. Should there be a sports club on the grounds, such as a football club, then the field will be captured to this as well.
Rules have been developed for defining the differing types of functional site based on their function and the Topographic features that are visible from aerial photography. These rules specify what area features will be included within a functional site and how the boundary extent of the site can be delineated.
For example, the figure below demonstrates the extent of a simple functional site using OS MasterMap Topography Layer area features to identify and capture its extent. This is done by assessing a group of features that appear within a recognisable obstructing boundary and assigning them to the same functional site. This is also ratified using stereo aerial imagery and investigation through Change Intelligence. In the example shown below, this methodology has been used to assign all the features within the fence to a common function, in this case, a gas hub.
Each functional site has its own unique TOID and will be maintained throughout its lifecycle including versioning, changes and updates to its component features and alterations to its extent should they be warranted (for instance if the site increases in size due to land purchase). In addition, private roads that are wholly contained within a functional site and support the function are included in the extent.
It is important to note that obscured and underground features are not captured. This is because the OS MasterMap Topography Layer is captured at ground level from what is visible by aerial photography. However, all above ground features will be captured as normal.
While typically a functional site will usually be a connecting collection of polygons from OS MasterMap Topography layer, it is also possible for the functional site to consist of one or more disparate extents. Some sites, such as university campuses, will be a collection of several functional site extents belonging to a single stakeholder. These will be captured as one or more functional sites depending on the distance between the captured extents.
The stakeholder name will be captured if it is clear and unambiguous and is obtained through investigation where possible. The primary use of the stakeholder attribute is to define extensive and widely dispersed sites that come under the control of a single stakeholder; for example, universities.
In instances where multiple stakeholders exist for a given site, they will be listed in alphabetical order in the Stakeholder 1 attribute. Each new stakeholder will be separated with ‘+’. The Stakeholder 1 attribute will continue to hold only one role. The Stakeholder 2 attribute and role should not be populated.
The attributes currently not populated have been greyed out in the attribute definitions table in the following section.
This theme includes sites that focus on the provision of secondary medical care services.
A hospital for patients with terminal illnesses.
A medical facility that provides secondary level care.
Medical care accommodation
A feature that provides both long term medical accommodation and medical care.
All medical care sites will be captured as indicated below unless they fall out of scope; for example, a private property labelled as ‘The Blue Hospital’.
The following features are included in the captured extent:
Main buildings.
Site-specific service buildings and structures.
Access roads and paths.
Site-specific car parks.
Areas of man-made and natural surface surrounded by included areas.
The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Buildings not specifically related to the operation of the site (for example, children’s nursery).
Public through-roads and their pavements; and public pedestrian through-routes.
This theme includes sites involved in the transfer of passengers or goods onto vessels for transport across water.
Vehicular ferry terminal
A site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of ferry passengers and their vehicles.
Passenger Ferry Terminal
A site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers
Port Consisting of Docks and Nautical Berthing
A site on a waterway with facilities for loading and unloading ships.
The following features are included in the captured extent:
Port buildings (for example, customs office, ticket office, waiting room)
Vehicle parking/waiting areas
Structures for loading people, vehicles or goods onto vessels
Access roads and paths
Areas of man-made and natural surface surrounded by included areas The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Public roads and pavements
This theme includes sites where the following activities take place:
The principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials on a large scale.
Energy (that is, electricity, gas or oil) is produced, refined, distributed or stored.
Chemical works
A site where the principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials.
Electricity distribution
A site used to handle electricity as part of the process of distributing electricity nationally. If the site is for domestic electricity supply then it is considered to be an electricity sub-station site and not captured as part of the initial release.
Electricity production
A site where electricity is generated on a large scale.
Gas distribution or storage
A site associated with the storing or supply of gas to users.
Oil distribution or storage
A depot where oil is stored.
Oil refining
A site where crude oil is refined.
Oil terminal
A storage point and distribution centre at the head of an oil pipeline
The following features are included in the captured extent:
Internal site access roads and paths.
Buildings and structures associated with the operation of the site.
Areas of man-made and natural surface totally surrounded by included areas.
Areas of man-made and natural surface abutting included areas along a non-obstructing edge.
For marine oil terminals, include related berthing structures physically connected to the site The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Site-related areas outside of perimeter fence (for example, car parking).
Isolated mooring structures.
This section describes the features which make up OS MasterMap Sites Layer, giving high level following information about each attribute.
This theme includes sites associated with movement of passengers and goods by rail.
Railway station
A feature by a light railway network or railway network where a light rail vehicle or train may stop to pick up goods or passengers.
Vehicular rail terminal
A facility where freight vehicles may be transferred to or from the rail network.
Tram station
A stop/station for trams. Tram systems are defined as light rail systems with some shared running over roads.
All rail transport sites will be captured as indicated below unless they fall out of scope; for example, a private property labelled as ‘Railway Station Bungalow’.
The following features are included in the captured extent:
Station buildings
Station shelters
Platform areas
Access roads and paths
Station footbridges and associated structures
Station car parks
Areas of man-made and natural surface surrounded by included areas
Areas of man-made and natural surface abutting included areas along a non-obstructing edge The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Railway buildings (for example, signal boxes and maintenance huts)
Railway track areas (made-way)
Man-made and natural areas alongside tracks
Public roads and footpaths
It is important to note that functional sites in the rail transport theme are often not contiguous and may be constrained of the structure of polygons in the Topography Layer.
This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by road.
Coach station
A place where coaches begin, break or end a journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark. A coach station may consist of buildings or may simply be an area specifically set aside with shelters and signage.
Bus station
A place where buses begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark. A bus station may consist of buildings or may simply be an area specifically set aside with shelters and signage.
Road user services
An area for the supply of fuel, refreshments and so on near a road or motorway.
All road transport sites will be captured as indicated below unless they fall out of scope (for example, a private property).
The following features are included in the captured extent:
Bus/coach station buildings (for example, ticket office, waiting room)
Bus/coach station shelters
Car/bus/coach parking areas
Buildings for bus/coach storage, maintenance and cleaning
Access roads and paths
Areas of man-made and natural surface surrounded by included areas The following features are not included in the captured extent:
Public roads and pavements
Pedestrian through-routes
An access point refers to a functionally designed and maintained location where pedestrians and/or vehicles can enter or leave a site. Access points are initially captured from a visual inspection of OS MasterMap Topography and Imagery Layers. Further access points can also be captured and maintained through customer feedback and field survey.
Access points are point features which have been positioned on the boundary of the functional site extent to which they belong (see figure below). There are circumstances where access points do not lie on the site boundary; for example, underground or obscured access into a site, and these will be captured in their true position or within five metres of the functional site extent boundary.
Where there are several access types that are located next to each other; for example, a road with a pavement on one or more sides, a single ‘combined access’ point will be created to indicate that it is possible to access the site by foot and by vehicle at that location.
Access points are linked to functional site extents during their capture. They can also retain additional access information such as height and time or vehicular restrictions. The access point also references the nearest OS Highways Network Layer link TOID. This allows the user to easily integrate the data with other OS Datasets such as the OS MasterMap Highways Network Layer.
Each access point will have its own unique TOID and will be subject to a managed life cycle process, controlled by changes to attributes as well as changes to its associated Functional Site’s attributes.
Some of the access points have restrictions which cannot be ascertained from aerial imagery. As such, they are not currently available in OS MasterMap Sites Layer. The attributes currently not populated have been greyed out in the attribute definitions table in the following section.
To meet customer needs a fully routable modal network is being created. A key element of this is to provide more usable data about the access to destinations. As a result, we are now directly splitting our road, track and path data where Access Links connect to the network. This will allow users to more easily route into sites using OS network data.
As nodes have now been created within the networks data, where Access Link features connect, there is now no requirement for Decision Node features and they are being removed from the Sites products.
The OS MasterMap Sites Layer data model is designed to integrate with OS MasterMap Highways Network. Routing points are intended to provide users with a reference to the position that is close to an access point, which can be used to aid navigation to the access point via the Highways road network. The routing points are provided where there is no viable Highways Network road node feature to refer to directly from an access point.
Routing points are currently being created by an automated process that performs a spatial query to identify the nearest position on the closest Highways Network road link feature. The process also ensures that there is no viable road node on the selected road link using a 5-metre tolerance before generating a routing point.
Routing points supplied in the initial release of OS MasterMap Sites Layer are created from the
product but still reference the ITN road network. In addition to the OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads data, we have applied data.
The process will be subject to continuous revision between releases to improve its results.
Administered By
Site is administered by stakeholder.
Owner Of
Site is owned by stakeholder.
Principal User Of
Site is principally used by stakeholder.
Religious Interest In
Site is of religious interest to stakeholder.
Site is in operational use.
Out of Service
Site is out of service or not in operational use.
Fully Defined
The supplied extent is, as far as can be ascertained, fully defined in this release.
Partially Defined
The extent is known to be incomplete due to a known issue with the extent or because of restrictions to capture.
The extent is unknown or has not been defined in this release. This will also apply to sites where their full definition is underground or wholly obscured.
Access point permits access to cycles.
Horse Drawn Vehicles
Access point permits access to horse-drawn vehicles.
Access point permits access to mopeds.
Motor Vehicles
Access point permits access to motor vehicles.
Access point permits access to motorcycles.
Access point permits access to pedestrians.
Ridden or Accompanied Horses
Access point permits access to ridden or accompanied horses.
Access point type is undefined.
Defines the values of the form of enforcement to expect at the access point.
Access is via a door.
Access is via a gate.
Manned Barrier
Access is via a manned barrier.
Monitored Rising Barriers
Access is via a monitored rising barrier.
Monitored Rising Bollards
Access is via monitored rising bollard(s).
Moveable Barrier
Access is via a moveable barrier.
Access is through a non-restricted opening.
Revolving Door
Access is via a revolving door.
Rising Barrier
Access is via a rising barrier.
Rising Bollards
Access is via rising bollard(s).
Access is via a shutter.
Access is via a flight of steps.
Access is via a turnstile.
Access enforcement is unknown.
The only value currently populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer is 'Unknown'; all other values in the table are not currently populated in the product.
This section defines and describes the values that are used by the product attributes to describe the functional site, access point, and routing point features. There are some attribute values currently not populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer. These features are listed below the tables they feature in.
Defines the values for the possible mechanism of the access permitted at the access point.
Access is only available by a pre-arranged appointment.
Official Pass
Access is only available by production of an official pass.
Pay and Display
Access is only available by pay and display mechanism.
Pay on Foot
Access is only available by pay on foot mechanism.
Access is only available by a payment.
Valid Ticket
Access is only available by production of a valid ticket.
All values in the preceding table are not currently populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
The ‘reasonForChange’ attribute is used across all features found within the OS MasterMap Sites Layer.
Defines the reason for a change made to a feature.
This is a new feature in the database.
The feature has been edited by an operator. Used in the following cases:
1. The geometry of a topographic feature is changed following real-world change (applicable to point, line and text features only and not polygons).
2. The geometry of a non-topographic feature, for example, inferred link or BoundaryLine feature is changed.
3. A cartographic symbol feature is repositioned.
4. A CartographicText feature is repositioned.
The descriptive attributes of a feature have changed. The feature code may have changed.
Applied to features that have had only attributes changed, except those covered by TextChange and Reclassified values.
Feature has changed geometry and/or position due to an improvement in its absolute accuracy; that is, its relationship to the National Grid (relevant for the positional accuracy improvement programme which is now complete). This type of feature change is not associated with real-world change.
Feature has been adjusted by an automatic software process. Includes geometric adjustment, cleaning, squaring, paralleling (text and lines) and reversing direction of digitising.
Defines the values of the nature of any access restriction.
Access is restricted except for disabled access.
Emergency Access
Access is restricted except for emergencies at this point.
Access is restricted except for guests at this point.
Official Business
Access is restricted except for official business at this point.
Access is restricted except for patrons at this point.
Access is restricted except for residents at this point.
Through Traffic
Access to through traffic is permitted at this point.
Defines the values of the possible functions of a site.
Air Transport
Airfield Airport
Helicopter station
Non-state primary education
Non-state primary or preparatory school Non-state secondary education
Non-state secondary school
Special needs education Primary education
First school
Infant school
Junior school
Primary school
Middle school Secondary education
Secondary school
Further education
Further education Higher or university education
Higher education
Medical Care
Hospice Hospital
Medical care accommodation
Rail Transport
Railway station Vehicular rail terminal Tram station
Road Transport
Bus station Coach station
Road user services
Water Transport
Vehicular ferry terminal Passenger ferry terminal
Port consisting of docks and nautical berthing
Utility or Industrial
Chemical works Electricity distribution Electricity production
Gas distribution or storage Oil distribution or storage Oil refining
Oil terminal
Bus station, coach station
Further education, higher or university education
Further education, non-state primary education, non-state secondary education
Further education, non-state primary education, secondary education
Further education, non-state secondary education
Further education, primary education
Further education, primary education, secondary education
Further education, primary education, secondary education, special needs education
Further education, secondary education
Further education, special needs education
Hospital, medical care accommodation
Non-state primary education, non-state secondary education
Non-state primary education, non-state secondary education, special needs education
Non-state primary education, secondary education
Non-state secondary education, primary education
Non-state secondary education, special needs education
Passenger ferry terminal, vehicular ferry terminal
Primary education, secondary education
Primary education, secondary education, special needs education
Primary education, special needs education
Secondary education, special needs education
Defines the values for the different functional site themes captured in the data.
More details on each code can be found on the theme definitions page.
This will evolve with changes to the capture specification.
Air Transport
Sites used for air transport.
Sites used for education.
Medical Care
Sites used for medical care.
Rail Transport
Sites used for rail transport.
Road Transport
Sites used for road transport.
Water Transport
Sites used for water transport.
Utility or Industrial
Sites used for utility or industrial purposes.
GML is an XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) grammar for expressing geographic features. GML serves as a modelling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet.
More information can be found on the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/gml.
The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): http://www.w3.org.
Information about Unicode and UTF-8, the character encoding we have chosen, is available on the Unicode Consortium website: http://www.unicode.org.
XML schemas are used to validate the format and content of the GML. The GML 3.2.1 specification provides a set of schemas that define the GML feature constructs and geometric types. These are designed to be used as a basis for building application-specific schemas, which define the data content.
The Ordnance Survey application schemas that are referenced by the data are available from our website at: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/schema.
These schemas make use of XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) and Document Type Definitions (DTDs) produced by the W3C that are available from the W3C website at: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.html.
xlink – http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink
gml – http://www.opengis.net/gml
GeoPackage (*.gpkg) is an open, non-proprietary, platform-independent, standards-based data format for geographic information systems (GIS), as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is designed to be a lightweight format that can contain large amounts of varied and complex data in a single, easy to distribute and ready to use file. GeoPackage is natively supported by numerous software applications.
The naming of attributes between GeoPackage and the Geography Markup Language (GML) file is very similar as GeoPackage files are not limited in the number of characters for an attribute name.
Therefore, the following tables map the GML attribute name to the attribute name in the GeoPackage files. The GML contains an attribute which describes the geometry of the feature; this is not applicable for a GeoPackage file as they are separated by their geometry.
Please note that the use of an asterisk symbol (*) in the following tables indicates that a particular attribute is not mapped to GML.
This section defines the geometric data types used by features of the OS MasterMap Sites Layer. A UML diagram is used to support the data type descriptions.
The following table details the data type of the geometric attributes of OS MasterMap Site Layer features. Each feature type has a spatial attribute called ‘geometry’. The data type of this attribute is given in the third column of the table.
A point is used to specify a single horizontal location by a coordinate pair in a given spatial reference system.
A point defined in the BNG reference system has easting and northing coordinates in units of metres, where the easting is in the range 0 to 700000 and the northing is in the range 0 to 1300000.
Example class model
A polygon is a single closed region on the spatial reference system projection plane, defined by a set of geometric rings that represent the boundaries. A polygon has one outer boundary and zero or more inner boundaries (holes in the polygon). The inner boundaries must not cross each other or contain other inner boundaries. Coordinates in outer boundaries are oriented in an anticlockwise direction; coordinates in inner boundaries are oriented in a clockwise direction. In the Geography Markup Language (GML) data, these are implemented as a Surface containing a single Polygon Patch, with the exterior and any interior boundaries represented as a LinearRing.
Example class model
A multi-polygon is used where a single functional site consists of separate areas, such as a school on both sides of a road. Each polygon is as described above. In GML, this is represented with a gml:MultiSurface having a number of ‘surface members’ each of which is a single gml:Surface.
Guidance on how to use this product in GeoPackage and vector tiles formats can be found in the following documents:
This product is available to try out online using one of our three sets of sample data (Exeter, Newport and Inverness) through the OS MasterMap Product Viewer:
OS MasterMap Sites Layer is supplied as a national vector tiles set in a single MBTiles file. This is a lightweight set of tiles that are efficient and fast to render in your software, and which provide high resolution data and give a seamless experience when zooming in and out. The data is supplied in Web Mercator projection (ESPG:3857).
The vector tiles schema is detailed in the following table. In the zoom levels columns within the table, the letter N indicates that the specified layer and attribute are not mapped within that zoom level, whereas the letter Y indicates that the specified later and attribute are mapped within that zoom level.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
The Geography Markup Language (GML) and GeoPackage formats use the British National Grid (BNG) spatial reference system. BNG uses the OSGB36 geodetic datum and a single Transverse Mercator projection for the whole of Great Britain. Positions on this projection are described using easting and northing coordinates in units of metres.
Vector tile format is supplied in Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857). Web Mercator projection uses WGS84 geodetic datum to render the vector tiles.
A Guide to Coordinate Systems in Great Britain provides a comprehensive tutorial on the topic.
A general introductory guide to BNG is provided at:
The Geography Markup Language (GML) and GeoPackage formats use the British National Grid (BNG) spatial reference system. BNG uses the OSGB36 geodetic datum and a single Transverse Mercator projection for the whole of Great Britain. Positions on this projection are described using easting and northing coordinates in units of metres.
Vector tile format is supplied in Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857). Web Mercator projection uses WGS84 geodetic datum to render the vector tiles.
A Guide to Coordinate Systems in Great Britain provides a comprehensive tutorial on the topic.
A general introductory guide to BNG is provided at:
This section defines and describes the values that are used by the product attributes to describe the functional site, access point, and routing point features. There are some attribute values currently not populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer. These features are listed below the tables they feature in.
For information on how to open, use and understand a GeoPackage dataset, please refer to our Getting Started with GeoPackage guide. For further information on GeoPackage, please see the GeoPackage website.
GeoPackage offers users the following benefits:
The single file is easy to transfer and offers the end-user a rich experience.
Attribute names are not limited in length, making the format user-friendly.
The file size limit is very large at 140 TB (a file size limit might be imposed by the file system to which the file is written).
It supports raster, vector and database formats, making it a highly versatile solution.
It is an OGC standard.
In most cases, it is a plug-and-play format.
Predefined stylesheets for OS MasterMap Sites Layer are available for download from the OS MasterMap Sites Layer Stylesheets GitHub repository. To download a ZIP containing all stylesheets, navigate to Code > Download ZIP.
XML versiona of the OS MasterMap Sites Layer code lists are available below:
Code lists provide a controlled list and formal definition for values used in certain attributes of the product.
The XML schema for OS MasterMap Sites Layer is available from the XML resources page of the Ordnance Survey website.
The XML File Repository License, covering the terms and conditions for the use of all Ordnance Survey XML schemas, is made available through the in the Resources section.