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The type of request being made.
, DescribeFeatureType
, GetFeature
The type of service being requested.
The type of service being requested.
, 1.1.0
, 2.0.0
The Feature Type being requested.
, DetailedPathNetwork_RouteNode
, Highways_RoadLink
, Highways_RoadNode
, Highways_FerryLink
, Highways_FerryNode
, Highways_Street
, Highways_ConnectingLink
, Highways_ConnectingNode
, Highways_PathLink
, Highways_PathNode
, Greenspace_GreenspaceArea
, Sites_AccessPoint
, Sites_RoutingPoint
, Sites_FunctionalSite
, Topography_CartographicText
, Topography_CartographicSymbol
, Topography_TopographicPoint
, Topography_TopographicLine
, Topography_TopographicArea
, Topography_BoundaryLine
, WaterNetwork_HydroNode
, WaterNetwork_WatercourseLink
, Zoomstack_Airports
, Zoomstack_Boundaries
, Zoomstack_Contours
, Zoomstack_DistrictBuildings
, Zoomstack_ETL
, Zoomstack_Foreshore
, Zoomstack_Greenspace
, Zoomstack_LocalBuildings
, Zoomstack_Names
, Zoomstack_NationalParks
, Zoomstack_RailwayStations
, Zoomstack_Rail
, Zoomstack_RoadsLocal
, Zoomstack_RoadsNational
, Zoomstack_RoadsRegional
, Zoomstack_Sites
, Zoomstack_Surfacewater
, Zoomstack_UrbanAreas
, Zoomstack_Waterlines
, Zoomstack_Woodland
, OpenUPRN_Address
, OpenTOID_TopographyLayer
, OpenTOID_HighwaysNetwork
, OpenTOID_SitesLayer
A set of valid WFS BBOX coordinates, in the order <bottom-left y, bottom-left x, top-right y, top-right x> (Dependent on CRS)
A valid OGC XML filter object
An integer stating the maximum number of features to be returned in a single response. In version 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 this is known as maxFeatures
An integer stating the maximum number of features to be returned in a single response. In version 2.0.0 this is known as count
Allows the user to order their response based on search attribute.
A list of valid feature attribute names, for example, ChangeDate, TOID, PhysicalLevel
An integer stating which result to start from, when returning a response
The format the response will be returned in. Default: XML.
, GML3
, GML2
Type of the results. Default: results.
, hits
Allows the user to reproject the selected features into another CRS. Default: EPSG:27700
, EPSG:4326
, EPSG:3857
The year being requested.
The type of request being made.
, DescribeFeatureType
, GetFeature
The type of service being requested.
The type of service being requested.
, 1.1.0
, 2.0.0
The Feature Type being requested.
, Highways_RoadNode
, Highways_FerryLink
, Highways_FerryNode
, Highways_Street
, Highways_ConnectingLink
, Highways_ConnectingNode
, Highways_PathLink
, Highways_PathNode
, Topography_CartographicText
, Topography_CartographicSymbol
, Topography_TopographicPoint
, Topography_TopographicLine
, Topography_TopographicArea
, Topography_BoundaryLine
, OpenUPRN_Address
, ITN_Roads_FerryNode
, ITN_Roads_RoadLink
, ITN_Roads_RoadNode
, ITN_UrbanPaths_ConnectingNode
, ITN_UrbanPaths_FerryNode
, ITN_UrbanPaths_PathLink
, ITN_UrbanPaths_PathNode
A set of valid WFS BBOX coordinates, in the order <bottom-left y, bottom-left x, top-right y, top-right x> (Dependent on CRS)
A valid OGC XML filter object
An integer stating the maximum number of features to be returned in a single response. In version 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 this is known as maxFeatures
An integer stating the maximum number of features to be returned in a single response. In version 2.0.0 this is known as count
Allows the user to order their response based on search attribute.
A list of valid feature attribute names, for example, ChangeDate, TOID, PhysicalLevel
An integer stating which result to start from, when returning a response
The format the response will be returned in. Default: XML.
, GML3
, GML2
Type of the results. Default: results.
, hits
Allows the user to reproject the selected features into another CRS. Default: EPSG:27700
, EPSG:4326
, EPSG:3857