Get started for free and integrate Ordnance Survey’s up-to-date, detailed maps in your apps, enabling your customers to make location-based decisions with confidence, and removing the overhead of managing complex datasets yourself.

Choose the style that suites your use case best, whether you need the detail of OS MasterMap or our iconic Leisure maps. There are four styles available: Road, Outdoor, Light and Leisure. Each map style contains OS OpenData and Premium data layers.

OS Maps API serves pre-rendered raster tiles and is available in two projections; British National Grid for GB data and Web Mercator which is a global coordinate system. You can request the maps using the Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) standard or RESTful ZXY. WMTS is supported by most GIS software and ZXY is efficient for web mapping.

Things to remember for OS Maps API

You can:

  • Use as a basemap in GIS, web or mobile applications.

  • Overlay your own data to give it geographic context.

  • Trace over OS MasterMap Topography Layers (Premium Data) detailed geometries.

  • View the whole of Great Britain in unrivalled, elegant detail.

  • Access the iconic 1:25 000 Scale Colour Raster (Premium Data).

  • Present mapping in different styles according to your needs.

  • Access the maps in different projections - British National Grid and Web Mercator.

You can't :

  • Re-style the maps as they are pre-rendered images.

  • Interact with the map features.

Last updated