What data is available?

Numerous OS data products are available through the OS Linked Indentifiers API.

The lists in the following sub-sections include a link to more information about the underlying OS product, the product category (premium vs open), the feature type name, and the identifier used in the dataset.

Click the product name links to find more information about each dataset.

Topographic area

  • Description: Polygon limited to building outline or road surface area.

  • Data Category: Premium

  • Feature Type Name: TopographicArea

  • Identifier: TOID

  • Description: Section of road from junction to junction.

  • Data Category: Premium

  • Feature Type Name: RoadLink

  • Identifier: TOID


  • Description: Collection of RoadLinks with a given name.

  • Data Category: Premium

  • Feature Type Name: Road

  • Identifier: TOID


  • Description: An address location with postal address. BLPU = Basic Land and Property Unit. UPRN = Unique Property Reference Number,

  • Data Category: Premium

  • Feature type name: BLPU

  • Identifier: UPRN


  • Description: An identifier allocated to a street by a local authority. USRN = Unique Street Reference Number.

  • Data Category: Premium

  • Feature type name: Street

  • Identifier: USRN

Open road junctions

  • OS Product: Open Roads

  • Description: Road junctions from our open data product.

  • Data Category: Open

  • Feature type name: ORRoadNode

  • Identifier: GUID

  • OS Product: Open Roads

  • Description: Road sections from our open data product

  • Data Category: Open

  • Feature type name: ORRoadLink

  • Identifier: GUID

Last updated