OS NGD Address
A Lightning Talk
Last updated
A Lightning Talk
Last updated
All of the attribution data and geometry that is present within AddressBase Premium will be present within the OS NGD Address.
The address data will be broken into two collections GB and Island addresses each comprising of five feature types:
Built Address. Local authority addresses that are currently built and live and can typically receive mail, deliveries, or services
Historic Address. Local authority addresses that are no longer in existence. This can occur as a result of demolition, or the merging or splitting of properties.
Non-Addressable Object. Local authority and Ordnance Survey captured features (often structures or sites) that are currently live but would not be expected to be able to receive mail or deliveries.
Pre-Build Address. Local authority addresses that will be able to receive mail, deliveries or services, where the property is either yet to be built but has been granted planning permission, or is under construction.
Street Address. Provides street address information for any road, footpath, cycleway, byway, or bridleway that has been uniquely identified by the local Highway Authority, or Street Naming and Numbering authority and provides access to an address.
The OS NGD Address data comes in two formats, CSV and GeoPackage (GPKG)
The GeoPackage format comes ready to load into the GIS package of the users choice with different gpkg files for each layer.
The CSV format is more suited for loading into a database. It has all of the same layers in CSV format and all the same attribution as the GeoPackage, however instead of storing the geometry in a GIS ready format, it is stored as a POINT attribute with the vertices stored as co-ordinates in the text file.
With the exception of the Street Address feature, there are additional related components tables that can be joined to features.
For the built, prebuild, historic and non addressable objects the attribution is consistent.
These OS NGD Address Features have a UPRN and information on the versioning and change type
The LPI address for the record, including in alternate language – this would have required an understanding of the AddressBase product to extract
Information on the classification of the address and the build status are present
There is a flag for the success of a PAF match
Information on the parent/child relationship with other UPRNs and information on the link to the USRN
There is information on the custodian that provided the original information and the geometry that has been provided
Full Address and Alternative Language Full Address: A single line address field formed from Local Authority data. The single line address attribute pulls all of the address text into a single field.
Lowest Floor Level and Highest Floor Level: Where an address occupies multiple floors within a building, the highest and lowest levels are available in these two new fields.
Primary / Secondary / Tertiary / Quaternary Classification Descriptions: These fields contain the classification descriptions instead of the alphanumeric codes.
Note that the Street Address feature has no updates in Version 2
The OS NGD Streets Address data has:
A Unique Street Reference Number (USRN), information on the versioning and change type
Information on the street type and classification
The street name, locality, town name, etc – with information on alternate language
Information on the custodian that provided the original information and the geometry that has been provided
Related components can be joined to feature types using the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) as the foreign key.
Alternative Address. Provides alternative address labels where they exist for the ‘current’ address represented on a given feature type. This includes official alternative addresses (e.g. a vanity name like ‘Rose Cottage’)
Postal Address. Provides the Royal Mail delivery point address from PAF
Other Classification. Contains VOA Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rate classification information in the form of Special Category Codes (SCAT) and Primary Description codes. Note that VOA classifications are only available for England and Wales
Related Entity. Provides cross-reference information to key identifiers from other datasets
Note that the Street Address feature does not have related component tables.
Additional attributes in Version 2 of the Related Tables:
Effective start date: The date on which this relationship was first added into the database
Effective end date: The date on which the relationship ceased to exist
The restructuring of AddressBase Premium has resulted in changes in the location and names of attribution fields, but all fields are present within the data.
Information is easier to access than it previously was within the old structure:
LPI address
Alternative languages
Some additional attribution has been derived from the existing information:
Floor Level (Data Improvement under PSGA)
Attribution on the Parent/Child UPRN relationship
Links that may be useful:
This content has been developed from what was originally a Lightning Talk PowerPoint slide set. These slides are available to PSGA members to view and download from the PSGA members area of the OS website