The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included in AddressBase Core, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
AddressBase Core attributes
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) assigned by the LLPG Custodian or Ordnance Survey.
Attribute Name: UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Parent UPRN
UPRN of the parent Record if a parent-child relationship exists.
Attribute Name: PARENT_UPRN (CSV), parent_uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Royal Mail’s Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN).
Attribute Name: UDPRN (CSV), udprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Unique Street Reference Number assigned by the Street Name and Numbering Custodian OR Ordnance Survey depending on the address record.
Attribute Name: USRN (CSV), usrn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
The Topographic Identifier taken from OS MasterMap Topography Layer. This TOID is assigned to the UPRN by performing a spatial intersection between the two identifiers. It consists of the letters ‘osgb’ and is followed by up to sixteen digits.
Attribute Name: TOID (CSV), toid (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Classification code
A code that describes the classification of the address record to a maximum of a secondary level.
Attribute Name: CLASSIFICATION_CODE (CSV), classification_code (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
You can download a complete list of classification codes at Classification codes.
A value in metres defining the x location in accordance with the British National Grid.
Attribute Name: EASTING (CSV), easting (GKPG)
Data Type: Float
Size: (precision, scale) – (8, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the y location in accordance with the British National Grid.
Attribute Name: NORTHING (CSV), northing (GKPG)
Data Type: Float
Size: (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value defining the Latitude location in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system.
Attribute Name: LATITUDE (CSV), latitude (GKPG)
Data Type: Float
Size: (precision, scale) – (9, 7)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value defining the Longitude location in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system.
Attribute Name: LONGITUDE (CSV), longitude (GKPG)
Data Type: Float
Size: (precision, scale) – (8, 7)
Multiplicity: [1]
Representative Point Code: this describes the accuracy of the coordinate that has been allocated to the UPRN as indicated by the Local Authority and enhanced using large scale OS data.
Attribute Name: RPC (CSV), rpc (GKPG)
Code List Name: RPCCode
Data Type: Integer
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Last update date
The latest date on which any of the attributes on this record were last changed in CCYY-MM-DD format.
Attribute Name: LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Single-line address
A single attribute containing text concatenation of the address elements separated by a comma.
Attribute Name: SINGLE_LINE_ADDRESS (CSV), single_line_address (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 500
Multiplicity: [1]
Po box
Text concatenation of ‘PO BOX’ and the Post Office Box (PO Box) number or ‘BFPO’ and the British Forces Post Office number.
Attribute Name: PO_BOX (CSV), po_box (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 13
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The organisation name is the business name given, when appropriate, to an address record.
Attribute Name: ORGANISATION (CSV), organisation (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Sub building
The sub-building name and/or number for the address record.
Attribute Name: SUB_BUILDING (CSV), sub_building (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 110
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Building name
The building name is a description applied to a single address or a group of addresses.
Attribute Name: BUILDING_NAME (CSV), building_name (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 110
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Building number
The building number is a number or range of numbers given to a single address or a group of addresses.
Attribute Name: BUILDING_NUMBER (CSV), building_number (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 13
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Street name
Street/Road name for the address record.
Attribute Name: STREET_NAME (CSV), street_name (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A locality defines an area or geographical identifier within a town, village or hamlet. Locality represents the lower level geographical area. The locality field should be used in conjunction with the town name and street description fields to uniquely identify geographic area where there may be more than one within an administrative area.
Attribute Name: LOCALITY (CSV), locality (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Town name
Geographical town name assigned by the Local Authority. Please note this can be different from the Post Town value assigned by Royal Mail.
Attribute Name: TOWN_NAME (CSV), town_name (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Post town
The town or city in which the Royal Mail sorting office is located which services this address record.
Attribute Name: POST_TOWN (CSV), post_town (GKPG)
Condition: POST_TOWN is not populated if this is the same as TOWN_NAME
Data Type: varchar
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Third level of geographic area name to record island names where appropriate.
Attribute Name: ISLAND (CSV), island (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 50
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Third level of geographic area name to record island names where appropriate.
Attribute Name: POSTCODE (CSV), postcode (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
Delivery point suffix
A two-character code uniquely identifying an individual delivery point within a postcode, assigned by Royal Mail.
Attribute Name: DELIVERY_POINT_SUFFIX (CSV), delivery_point-suffix (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
GSS code
The Office for National Statistics Governmental Statistical Service (GSS) code representing the contributing Local Authority.
Attribute Name: GSS_CODE (CSV), gss_code (GKPG)
Data Type: varchar
Size: 9
Multiplicity: [0..1]
You can download a complete list of GSS codes at Government Statistical Services codes.
Change code
Type of record change.
Attribute Name: CHANGE_CODE (CSV), change_code (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Data Type: varchar
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Last updated
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