OS Open USRN Technical Specification

This technical specification provides detailed technical information about OS Open USRN. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.

Product overview

OS Open USRN is an open dataset of all Unique Street Reference Numbers (USRNs) within OS MasterMap Highways Network, with an associated simplified line geometry representing the geographic extent of each USRN.

A USRN is a unique and persistent identifier for a street contained in either the National or Scottish Street Gazetteer. Every street, road, track, path, cycle track or way is assigned a USRN by a Roads Authority, Local Highway Authority or Highways England.

This product has been designed to enable users to easily share information held against a USRN with a location and to link together information associated with USRNs, enabling location-specific visualisation and analysis.

A visualisation of the OS Open USRN dataset showing individual streets highlighted.
A representation of OS Open USRN data against a background map.

Product structure

OS Open USRN is a vector dataset with a single line feature for each USRN. Each of these features will have accompanying attribution and a simplified line geometry.

The following pages will detail the attribution held against the features in this dataset and provide further information about the source and simplification of the geometry.


This technical specification includes the following sections:

The OS Open USRN Overview details what coordinate reference system is used by OS Open USRN and gives product supply information (including the available format, supply mechanism, coverage and currency).

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