RoadLine – includes name, number and alternative name
Road – includes designated name and who has designated it
Street – designated name, descriptor and local name
What are the Differences?
Street contains designated name given by name and numbering authority. Where matched this will be in the name field on the road link. Roadlink name comes from name plate from survey this will be alternative on matched streets and name on unmatched.
Use cases
Adding street names to mapping
Directions for routing
Gazetter searching and identifying the correct street
What You Will Need
Roads Specification
Translation software is required to convert data from GML into chosen format. FME workbenches are available on GitHub to help with this.
Data storage – once translated the data will need to be stored in a format compatible with your systems, this may be on your file system as a shape file, geopackage or tab file or in a database.
GIS or web application to manipulate and display your results.
Steps to Success: Adding Road Names and Numbers to a Map
Local name contains other names the authority may know a street by.
The GML and may contain multiple values for each e.g.
Note a language field is also present to indicate the language of the name, e.g. English, Welsh or Gallic. These can either be held as one or split into multiple fields.
Once translated the road names can be added to either roadlink or street geometry using the labelling tools within your chosen software.
You may want to combine names across tables, for instance, to display the local name with the road name on the roadlink There are a number of ways to do this:
Construct are query in your labelling tool.
Append local name from street to roadlink.
Create a new table of roadlinks with the columns containing the labels.
Sample Code for Creating Name Table
Last updated
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