The Path Network is a topologically structured link and node network made up of the following feature types:
PathLink – A line segment representing the general alignment of the path.
PathNode – A node connecting to at least one PathLink, providing network connectivity.
ConnectingLink – A logical indicator of the connection between the Path Network and the Road Network.
ConnectingNode – A node which connects the Road Network to the Path Network.
Path – A Path defines the complete collection of references to PathLink features which share the same path name, for example, Three Brooks Walk.
Street – A Street feature is the definition of the street as defined in the National or Scottish Street Gazetteer, made up of aggregated geometry with a unique identifier (USRN).
FerryLink – A feature which represents a ferry route between two FerryNodes.
Ferrynode – A feature representing the point at which a pedestrian ferry route or section of ferry route starts or ends.
FerryTerminal – A feature representing the point at which pedestrians transfer from the Ferry Network to the Path Network or vice versa.
Maintenance – Identifies what the maintenance status is of a Street.
Reinstatement – A feature which identifies how a Street should be re-instated after street works.
Special Designation – A feature which identifies if there is additional information about the Street.
Highway Dedication – A feature which identifies the type of Highway user that has access to that particular section of the Highway.
The relationships between Path feature types are shown below:

The Road and Path Networks are topologically structured together. ConnectingLinks and ConnectingNodes enable a connection between the Road Network and the Path Network. ConnectingLinks are logical connections between the Path Network and the Road Network; they do not represent a feature in the real world. A ConnectingNode is a feature which indicates where the Path will connect with the Road Network. Connecting Nodes are spatially coincident with RoadNodes and can share the same identifier. The ConnectingLink feature will reference the PathNode and ConnectingNode that it connects with, whilst the ConnectingNode will reference one of the RoadLinks that it connects to.
Common attribution
Each feature within the OS MasterMap Highways Network will have the following common attribution:
gml:id, gml:identifier and inspireId
inNetwork – This shall always be set to “OSHighwayNetwork”
validFrom (Note: This is assigned a nilReason value “unknown” for most features.)
In addition, many of the attributes which have been inherited from the INSPIRE Transport Network model have a stereotype of ‘voidable’, for example, “beginLifespanVersion”. Where these attributes have not been populated then there is a requirement to give a reason for this. This will be specified in the GML through an attribute called “nilReason”.
Network referencing
The Asset Management features of the Path Network product relate back to the Path Network features using Network Referencing, through the networkRef attribute. All RAMI features extend the INSPIRE NetworkProperty class.
In the Path Network product, only one type of Network Reference is used which is the INSPIRE NetworkProperty class. This class has been extended in cases where the feature only partially references the network feature.

In the INSPIRE specification, the networkRef is a voidable field. For all features in the OS MasterMap Highways Network the networkRef will never be voided.
Network reference
The Network Reference references the feature back to the network element. The Network Reference has been extended and the asset management feature types which use Network Referencing are Maintenance, Reinstatement, Special Designation and Highways Dedication. These features will all reference back to the id of the Street feature, the USRN. Geometry will not be provided. However, where these features do not reference an entire Street feature, and are a partial reference, they will provide a Network Reference Location. This is made up of a locationDescription which provides a textual description of where the feature relates to which will be populated directly from the NSG.
Last updated
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