OS Open Greenspace Getting Started Guide

This getting started guide provides instructions for using OS Open Greenspace in different software applications. Users with limited technical knowledge will be able to follow this guide.

OS Open Greenspace contains information on greenspace sites and their access points and is an OpenData product. This getting started guide illustrates how to load and style OS Open Greenspace data into several commonly used GIS applications.

Product supply

OS Open Greenspace can be downloaded from the OS Data Hub. It will be available as either ESRI shapefile or Geography Markup Language (GML) format.

The data will be available in 100km x 100km tiles, but features will not be clipped at tile edges, resulting in what is called ‘hairy’ tiles.

In the ESRI shapefile release, the product will comprise two elements: the greenspace site and the access points.

The GML release will simply contain both elements in one file.

Loading OS Open Greenspace data

The following pages cover how to open and use OS Open Greenspace data across five software solutions:

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