53 Air
0728 Airports and landing strips
0729 Helipads
54 Road and Rail
0730 Bridges
0733 Cattle grids
0734 Fords and level crossings
0735 Motorway service stations
0736 Parking
0737 Petrol and fuel stations
0740 Signalling facilities
0743 Viaducts
0744 Weighbridges
55 Walking
0747 Footbridges
56 Water
0751 Aqueducts
0752 Locks
0753 Moorings and unloading facilities
0754 Rivers and canal organisations and infrastructure
0755 Weirs, sluices and dams
0760 Ferries and ferry terminals
57 Public Transport, Stations and Infrastructure
0731 Bus and coach stations, depots and companies
0738 Railway stations, junctions and halts
0756 Tram, metro and light railway stations and stops
0758 Taxi ranks
0761 Underground network stations
0794 London Underground entrances
59 Bus Transport
0732 Bus stops
0759 Hail and ride zones
Last updated
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