OS VectorMap Local Cartographic Style Definitions


Boulder geometry symbol
Boulder geometry symbol
<polyline points=‘-0.154,0.236 -0.111,0.365 -0.116,0.501 -
0.165,0.616 -0.170,0.627 -0.264,0.724 -0.490,0.826 -0.682,0.889
-0.885,0.900 -1.083,0.858 -1.264,0.767 -1.415,0.631 -1.521,0.466
-1.558,0.199 -1.538,-0.071 -1.462,-0.329 -1.333,-0.566 -1.156,-
0.771’ />
<polyline points=‘1.755,-0.819 1.534,-0.804 0.832,-0.857 0.129,-
0.824 -0.450,-0.769 -1.032,-0.767 -1.612,-0.819’ />
<polyline points=‘1.640,-0.804 1.620,-0.589 1.392,-0.388 1.122,-
0.248’ />
<polyline points=‘0.311,-0.526 0.520,-0.573 0.732,-0.554 0.930,-
0.472 1.093,-0.335 1.097,-0.329 1.101,-0.323 1.105,-0.317
1.108,-0.311 1.111,-0.304 1.113,-0.298 1.115,-0.291 1.117,-0.284
1.118,-0.277 1.118,-0.270 1.119,-0.263 1.118,-0.256 1.118,-0.249
1.117,-0.242 1.115,-0.235 1.113,-0.229 1.111,-0.222 1.108,-0.216
1.105,-0.209 1.101,-0.203 1.097,-0.198 1.093,-0.192 1.088,-0.187
1.083,-0.182 1.078,-0.177 1.073,-0.173 1.067,-0.169 1.061,-0.165
1.054,-0.162 0.637,0.198 0.393,0.388 0.118,0.530 -0.165,0.616 -
0.178,0.619’ />


Circle Fill Geometry symbol
Circle Fill Geometry symbol
<circle r=‘0.05’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘0.0’/>


Circle Geometry symbol
Circle Geometry symbol
<circle r=‘0.375’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘0’/>


Coniferous Tree Geometry Symbol
Coniferous Tree Geometry Symbol
Arc geometry:
<polyline points=‘0,1.45 0,-1.55’ />
<path d=‘M-1.3,-0.95a2 2 0 0 1 1.3 1.05a2 2 0 0 1 1.3 -1.05’ />
<path d=‘M-0.9,0.3a2 2 0 0 1 0.9 0.85a2 2 0 0 1 0.9 -0.85’ />

Linear geometry:
<polyline points=‘0.000,1.45 0.000,-1.55’/>
<polyline points=‘-1.303,-0.970 -1.168,-0.927 -1.037,-0.874 -
0.909,-0.814 -0.785,-0.746 -0.666,-0.670 -0.552,-0.586 -0.444,-
0.496 -0.342,-0.398 -0.246,-0.295 -0.156,-0.185 -0.074,-0.070
0.000,0.050 0.074,-0.070 0.156,-0.185 0.246,-0.295 0.342,-0.398
0.444,-0.496 0.552,-0.586 0.666,-0.670 0.785,-0.746 0.909,-0.814
1.037,-0.874 1.168,-0.927 1.303,-0.970’/>
<polyline points=‘-0.890,0.296 -0.769,0.364 -0.652,0.440 -
0.541,0.523 -0.435,0.613 -0.335,0.709 -0.241,0.811 -0.154,0.919
-0.073,1.032 0.000,1.150 0.072,1.034 0.151,0.923 0.236,0.816
0.328,0.715 0.427,0.620 0.530,0.531 0.639,0.449 0.753,0.374


Cross Geometry symbol
Cross Geometry symbol
<polyline points=‘0.000,-0.775 0.000,0.775’/>
<polyline points=‘-0.775,0.000 0.775,0.000’/>


Nonconiferous Tree Geometry symbol
Nonconiferous Tree Geometry symbol
Arc geometry:
<path d=‘M0,-1.6L-0.2,-0.8a0.6 0.6 0 1 0 -0.8 0.86a0.55 0.55 0 0
0 0.45 0.89a0.56 0.56 0 0 0 1.1 -0.0a0.55 0.55 0 0 0 0.45 -
0.89a0.6 0.6 0 1 0 -0.8 -0.86L0,-1.6z’ />

Linear geometry:
<polyline points=‘-1.074,0.097 -1.210,-0.031 -1.299,-0.194 -
1.334,-0.377 -1.312,-0.561 -1.233,-0.730 -1.106,-0.866 -0.944,-
0.957 -0.761,-0.993 -0.576,-0.972 -0.407,-0.894 -0.270,-0.768 -
0.269,-0.765 -0.068,-1.539 0.012,-1.539 0.193,-0.756 0.193,-
0.756 0.329,-0.887 0.499,-0.969 0.685,-0.993 0.870,-0.959
1.036,-0.869 1.164,-0.731 1.244,-0.561 1.267,-0.374 1.230,-0.189
1.138,-0.025 0.999,0.102 1.087,0.259 1.119,0.436 1.094,0.615
1.012,0.775 0.883,0.901 0.720,0.979 0.541,1.000 0.541,1.000
0.464,1.184 0.331,1.331 0.156,1.427 -0.040,1.461 -0.236,1.427 -
0.411,1.331 -0.544,1.184 -0.621,1.000 -0.801,0.978 -0.964,0.900
-1.093,0.773 -1.175,0.611 -1.199,0.431 -1.164,0.254 -


Flow Arrow Geometry symbol
<polyline points=`0.0,0.0 3.438,0.0’ />
<polyline points=‘0.5,0.5 0.0,0.0 0.5,-0.5’ />
<polyline points=‘3.35,0.5 2.85,0.0 3.35,-0.5’ />
<polyline points=‘3.938,0.5 3.438,0.0 3.938,-0.5’ />


Heritage Site Of Geometry Symbol
Heritage Site Of Geometry Symbol
<polyline points=‘-2.25,0.0 2.25,0’/>
<polyline points=‘0.0,-2.25 0.0,2.25’/>
<circle r=‘0.625’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘2.875’/>
<circle r=‘0.625’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘-2.875’/>
<circle r=‘0.625’ cx=‘2.875’ cy=‘0’/>
<circle r=‘0.625’ cx=‘-2.875’ cy=‘0’/>


Triangulation Station Geometry Symbol
Triangulation Station Geometry Symbol
<polyline style=‘fill:none’ points=‘0,-0.794 -1.375,-0.794 0.0,1.588 1.375,-0.794 0,-0.794’/>
<circle style=‘fill:#000000’ r=‘0.0875’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘0.0’/>


Pylon Geometry Symbol
Pylon Geometry Symbol
<polyline points="-2,-2 -2,2 2,2 2,-2 -2,-2"/>
<polyline points="-2,-2 2,2"/>
<polyline points="-2,2 2,-2"/>


Bush Fill Symbol
Bush Fill Symbol
<polyline points=‘1,-1.493 -0.076,-1.493 0.452,-0.893 0.584,-
0.683 0.666,-0.449 0.693,-0.202 0.668,-0.088 0.596,0.005
0.491,0.058 0.284,0.082 0.078,0.046 -0.109,-0.046 -0.396,-0.268
-0.151,-0.027 0.055,0.248 0.218,0.55 0.335,0.873 0.35,1.027
0.311,1.176 0.224,1.303 0.016,1.447 -0.23,1.503 -0.391,1.485 -
0.54,1.421 -0.663,1.316 -0.866,1.029 -1.004,0.704 -1.07,0.358 -
1.061,0.006 -0.982,-0.383 -0.849,-0.758 -0.666,-1.111 -0.435,-
1.434 -0.396,-1.5’ />


Heath Fill Symbol
Heath Fill Symbol
<polyline points=‘-1.487,-0.75 -1.601,-0.208’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.996,-0.613 -1.121,0.405’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.499,-0.545 -0.55,0.695’ />
<polyline points=‘0,-0.536 0,0.732’ />
<polyline points=‘0.499,-0.545 0.55,0.695’ />
<polyline points=‘0.996,-0.613 1.121,0.405’ />
<polyline points=‘1.487,-0.75 1.601,-0.208’ />


Marsh Fill Symbol
Marsh Fill Symbol

<polyline points=‘4.258,0.000 0.452,0.000’ />
<polyline points=‘-4.250,0.000 -0.444,0.000’ />
<polyline points=‘-1.318,-0.517 1.317,-0.517’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.444,0.000 -0.534,1.0’ />
<polyline points=‘0.452,0.000 0.541,1.0’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.001,0.013 -0.001,1.177’ />
<polyline points=‘0.880,0.000 1.118,0.675’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.873,0.000 -1.110,0.675’ />
<polyline points=‘-1.318,0.000 -1.440,0.269’ />
<polyline points=‘1.326,0.000 1.447,0.269’ />


Orchard Fill Symbol
Orchard Fill Symbol
Arc geometry:
<path d=‘M0,0a0.7 0.7 0 1 0 -0.6 1.1a0.7 0.7 0 1 0 1.2,0.0a0.7
0.7 0 1 0 -0.6 -1.1z’ />
<polyline points=‘0,-0.88 0,0’ />

Linear geometry:
<polyline points=‘0.804,0.471 0.869,0.666 0.875,0.872
0.822,1.071 0.714,1.247 0.560,1.383 0.373,1.470 0.169,1.500 -
0.034,1.470 -0.221,1.382 -0.374,1.245 -0.482,1.069 -0.535,0.870
-0.528,0.664 -0.462,0.469’/>
<polyline points=‘-0.462,0.469 -0.665,0.428 -0.847,0.332 -
0.994,0.186 -1.092,0.005 -1.135,-0.197 -1.117,-0.403 -1.041,-
0.594 -0.913,-0.756 -0.744,-0.875 -0.548,-0.939 -0.342,-0.945 -
0.143,-0.891 0.033,-0.781 0.169,-0.626’/>
<polyline points=‘0.169,-0.626 0.169,-0.626 0.305,-0.780 0.480,-
0.889 0.679,-0.943 0.885,-0.937 1.080,-0.873 1.249,-0.755
1.377,-0.594 1.453,-0.402 1.472,-0.197 1.430,0.004 1.332,0.186
1.187,0.331 1.006,0.429 0.804,0.471’/>
<polyline points=‘0.171,-0.629 0.171,-1.497’/>


Reed Fill Symbol
Reed Fill Symbol
Linear geometry:
<polyline points="0.000,-0.349 0.000,0.349"/>
<polyline points="-0.416,-0.422 -0.444,0.261"/>
<polyline points="0.416,-0.422 0.444,0.261"/>
<polyline points="0.883,-0.436 0.935,0.199"/>
<polyline points="-0.883,-0.436 -0.935,0.199"/>
<polyline points="-1.342,-0.459 -1.412,0.096"/>
<polyline points="1.342,-0.459 1.412,0.096"/>
<polyline points="-1.769,-0.492 -1.843,-0.049"/>
<polyline points="1.769,-0.492 1.843,-0.049"/>
<polyline points="-2.187,-0.633 -2.249,-0.334"/>
<polyline points="2.187,-0.633 2.249,-0.334"/>


Rock Fill Symbol
Rock Fill Symbol

<polyline points=‘-1.85,-0.834 -0.812,-0.834 -0.588,-0.766 -
0.4,-0.508’ />
<polyline points=‘1.824,-0.834 1.272,-0.78 0.908,-0.666 0.888,-
0.658 0.866,-0.65 0.846,-0.644 0.824,-0.64 0.802,-0.636 0.78,-
0.634 0.758,-0.632 0.736,-0.632 0.714,-0.634 0.692,-0.636 0.67,-
0.64 0.662,-0.642 0.648,-0.646 0.628,-0.654 0.438,-0.786 0.622,-
0.66 0.662,-0.642 1.126,-0.438 1.48,-0.298 1.494,-0.292 1.510,-
0.284 1.524,-0.276 1.536,-0.268 1.550,-0.258 1.562,-0.248
1.574,-0.236 1.586,-0.224 1.596,-0.212 1.606,-0.198 1.614,-0.186
1.622,-0.170 1.628,-0.156 1.636,-0.142 1.640,-0.126 1.644,-0.110
1.648,-0.094 1.650,-0.078 1.650,-0.062 1.652,-0.046 1.650,-0.012
1.646,0.022 1.64,0.054 1.634,0.086 1.624,0.118 1.612,0.15
1.6,0.18 1.584,0.21 1.568,0.24 1.55,0.268 1.368,0.488 1.356,0.5
1.344,0.512 1.33,0.522 1.316,0.532 1.302,0.54 1.286,0.548
1.27,0.554 1.254,0.56 1.238,0.566 1.222,0.568 1.206,0.572
1.188,0.574 1.172,0.574 1.154,0.574 1.138,0.572 1.12,0.57
1.104,0.566 1.088,0.562 1.072,0.556 1.056,0.55 0.4,0.298 -
0.014,0.136 0.218,0.236 0.582,0.398 0.594,0.404 0.604,0.410
0.616,0.418 0.626,0.424 0.636,0.432 0.644,0.442 0.654,0.452
0.662,0.46 0.668,0.472 0.676,0.482 0.682,0.494 0.688,0.504
0.692,0.516 0.696,0.528 0.698,0.552 0.702,0.554 0.704,0.566
0.704,0.58 0.704,0.592 0.704,0.604 0.702,0.618 0.7,0.63
0.696,0.642 0.692,0.654 0.688,0.666 0.682,0.678 0.676,0.69
0.67,0.7 0.662,0.71 0.552,0.842 0.546,0.848 0.54,0.854
0.532,0.858 0.526,0.864 0.518,0.868 0.512,0.872 0.504,0.874
0.496,0.878 0.488,0.88 0.48,0.882 0.472,0.884 0.464,0.886
0.454,0.886 0.446,0.886 0.438,0.886 0.43,0.884 0.422,0.882
0.414,0.88 0.406,0.878 0.398,0.876 0.39,0.872 0.198,0.812 -
0.378,0.6 -0.794,0.408 -1.046,0.316 -1.058,0.31 -1.07,0.302 -
1.082,0.292 -1.094,0.282 -1.104,0.272 -1.114,0.262 -1.122,0.25 -
1.13,0.238 -1.138,0.226 -1.144,0.212 -1.15,0.2 -1.156,0.186 -
1.16,0.172 -1.164,0.158 -1.166,0.142 -1.168,0.128 -1.168,0.114 -
1.168,0.098 -1.166,0.084 -1.164,0.07 -1.16,0.056 -1.158,0.042 -
1.152,0.028 -1.146,0.014 -1.134,-0.014 -1.118,-0.04 -1.102,-
0.066 -1.084,-0.09 -1.066,-0.114 -1.046,-0.138 -1.028,-0.156 -
1.01,-0.172 -0.99,-0.188 -0.968,-0.202 -0.946,-0.216 -0.924,-
0.228’ />


Rough Grass Symbol
Rough Grass Symbol

<polyline points=‘0.000,-0.349 0.000,0.349’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.416,-0.422 -0.444,0.261’ />
<polyline points=‘0.416,-0.422 0.444,0.261’ />
<polyline points=‘0.883,-0.436 0.935,0.199’ />
<polyline points=‘-0.883,-0.436 -0.935,0.199’ />
<polyline points=‘-1.342,-0.459 -1.412,0.096’ />
<polyline points=‘1.342,-0.459 1.412,0.096’ />
<polyline points=‘-1.769,-0.492 -1.843,-0.049’ />
<polyline points=‘1.769,-0.492 1.843,-0.049’ />
<polyline points=‘-2.187,-0.633 -2.249,-0.334’ />
<polyline points=‘2.187,-0.633 2.249,-0.334’ />


Small Boulder Fill Symbol
Small Boulder Fill Symbol
<polyline points=‘-0.077,0.118 -0.055,0.183 -0.058,0.25 -
0.082,0.308 0.085,0.313 -0.131,0.362 -0.245,0.413 -0.341,0.445 -
0.542,0.429 0.632,0.384 -0.708,0.316 -0.760,0.233 -0.779,0.1 -
0.769, -0.036 -0.731,-0.170 -0.667,-0.283 -0.578,-0.386’/>
<polyline points=‘0.876,-0.41 0.767,-0.402 0.417,-0.429 0.065,-
0.412 0.225, 0.385 -0.516,-0.384 -0.806,-0.41’/>
<polyline points=‘0.82,-0.402 0.81,-0.295 0.696,-0.194 0.561,-
<polyline points=‘0.155,-0.263 0.26,-0.286 0.366,-0.277 0.465,-
0.236 0.546, 0.167 0.548,-0.165 0.55,-0.162 0.553,-0.158 0.554,-
0.155 0.555,-0.152 0.556, -0.149 0.557,-0.146 0.558,-0.142
0.559,-0.139 0.559,-0.135 0.559,-0.132 0.559,-0.128 0.559,-0.125
0.559,-0.121 0.557,-0.117
0.557,-0.115 0.555, 0.111 0.554,-0.108 0.553,-0.105 0.550,-0.102
0.548,-0.099 0.547,-0.096 0.544,-0.094 0.542,-0.091 0.539,-0.089
0.535,-0.086 0.534,-0.085 0.530, 0.083 0.527,-0.081 0.318,0.099
0.196,0.194 0.059,0.265 -0.083,0.308 0.089,0.309’/>


Small Bush Fill Symbol
Small Bush Fill Symbol
<polyline points=‘0.5,-0.746 -0.038,-0.746 0.226,-0.446 0.292,-
0.341 0.333,-0.224 0.346,-0.101 0.334,-0.044 0.298,0.002
0.245,0.029 0.142,0.041 0.039,0.023 -0.054,-0.023 -0.198,-0.134
-0.075,-0.013 0.027,0.124 0.109,0.275 0.167,0.436 0.175,0.513
0.155,0.588 0.112,0.651 0.008,0.723 -0.115,0.751 -0.195,0.742 -
0.27,0.71 -0.331,0.658 -0.433,0.514 -0.502,0.352 -0.535,0.179 -
0.53,0.003 -0.491,-0.191 -0.424,-0.379 -0.333,-0.555 -0.217,-
0.717 -0.198,-0.75’ />


Small Coniferous Tree Fill Symbol
Arc geometry:
<polyline points=‘0,0.725 0,-0.775’ />
<path d=‘M-0.65,-0.475a1 1 0 0 1 0.65 0.502a1 1 0 0 1 0.65 -
0.502’ />
<path d=‘M-0.45,0.15a1 1 0 0 1 0.45 0.425a1 1 0 0 1 0.45 -0.425’

Linear geometry:
<polyline points=‘0.0,0.725 0.0,-0.775’/>
<polyline points=‘-0.651,-0.485 -0.584,-0.463 -0.517,-0.437 -
0.454,-0.407 -0.392,-0.373 -0.333,-0.335 -0.276,-0.293 -0.222,-
0.248 -0.171,-0.199 -0.123,-0.147 -0.078,-0.092 -0.037,-0.035
0.0,-0.025 0.037,-0.035 0.078,-0.097 0.123,-0.147 0.171,-0.199
0.222,-0.248 0.276,-0.293 0.333,-0.335 0.392,-0.373 0.454,-0.407
0.517,-0.437 0.584,-0.463 0.651,-0.485’/>
<polyline points=‘-0.445,0.148 -0.384,0.182 -0.316,0.22 -
0.27,0.261 -0.217,0.306 -0.167,0.354 -0.120,0.405 -0.077,0.459 -
0.036,0.516 0.0,0.575 0.036,0.516 0.077,0.459 0.120,0.405
0.167,0.354 0.217,0.306 0.27,0.261 0.316,0.22 0.384,0.182


Small Nonconiferous Tree Fill Symbol
Arc geometry:
<path d=‘M0,-0.8L-0.1,-0.4a0.3 0.3 0 1 0 -0.4 0.43a0.275 0.275 0
0 0 0.225 0.445a0.28 0.28 0 0 0 0.55 -0.0a0.275 0.275 0 0 0
0.225 -0.445a0.3 0.3 0 1 0 -0.4 -0.43L0,-0.8z’ />

Linear geometry:
<polyline points=‘-0.537,0.087 -0.552,0.076 -0.566,0.064 -
0.580,0.052 -0.592,0.038 -0.604,0.024 -0.615,0.008 -0.625,-0.007
-0.634,-0.024 -0.642,-0.041 -0.649,-0.058 -0.655,-0.076 -0.660,-
0.094 -0.663,-0.112 -0.665,-0.131 -0.667,-0.149 -0.667,-0.168 -
0.666,-0.187 -0.663,-0.205 -0.660,-0.224 -0.655,-0.242 -0.650,-
0.259 -0.643,-0.277 -0.635,-0.294 -0.626,-0.310 -0.616,-0.326 -
0.605,-0.341 -0.593,-0.356 -0.581,-0.369 -0.567,-0.382 -0.553,-
0.394 -0.538,-0.405 -0.522,-0.415 -0.506,-0.424 -0.489,-0.433 -
0.471,-0.440 -0.454,-0.445 -0.436,-0.450 -0.417,-0.454 -0.399,-
0.456 -0.380,-0.458 -0.362,-0.458 -0.343,-0.457 -0.324,-0.455 -
0.306,-0.451 -0.288,-0.447 -0.270,-0.441 -0.253,-0.435 -0.236,-
0.427 -0.219,-0.418 -0.203,-0.408 -0.188,-0.397 -0.173,-0.386 -
0.160,-0.373 -0.147,-0.359 -0.135,-0.345 -0.134,-0.344 -0.033,-
0.731 -0.006,-0.731 0.097,-0.339 0.097,-0.339 0.195,-0.423
0.320,-0.457 0.447,-0.436 0.553,-0.364 0.619,-0.253 0.632,-0.124
0.590,-0.003 0.500,0.090 0.554,0.203 0.552,0.329 0.495,0.441
0.395,0.516 0.271,0.539 0.213,0.658 0.109,0.740 -0.019,0.769 -
0.148,0.740 -0.252,0.658 -0.310,0.539 -0.434,0.516 -0.535,0.440
-0.592,0.327 -0.592,0.201 -0.537,0.087’/>


Small Rock Fill Symbol
Small Rock Fill Symbol
<polyline points=‘-0.925,-0.417 -0.406,-0.417 -0.294,-0.383 -0.200,-
0.254’ />
<polyline points=‘0.912,-0.417 0.636,-0.390 0.454,-0.333 0.444,-0.329
0.433,-0.325 0.423,-0.322 0.412,-0.320 0.401,-0.318 0.390,-0.317
0.379,-0.316 0.368,-0.316 0.357,-0.317 0.346,-0.318 0.335,-0.320
0.331,-0.321 0.324,-0.323 0.314,-0.327 0.219,-0.393 0.311,-0.330
0.331,-0.321 0.563,-0.219 0.740,-0.149 0.747,-0.146 0.755,-0.142
0.762,-0.138 0.768,-0.134 0.775,-0.129 0.781,-0.124 0.787,-0.118
0.793,-0.112 0.798,-0.106 0.803,-0.099 0.807,-0.093 0.811,-0.085
0.814,-0.078 0.818,-0.071 0.820,-0.063 0.822,-0.055 0.824,-0.047
0.825,-0.039 0.825,-0.031 0.826,-0.023 0.825,-0.006 0.823,0.011
0.820,0.027 0.817,0.043 0.812,0.059 0.806,0.075 0.800,0.090
0.792,0.105 0.784,0.120 0.775,0.134 0.684,0.244 0.678,0.250
0.672,0.256 0.665,0.261 0.658,0.266 0.651,0.270 0.643,0.274
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0.114’ />

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