November 2023
This release note provides information about the latest release of OS MasterMap (OSMM) Topography Layer, released to customers on 20 November 2023.
OSMM Topography Layer product count
The following table contains product counts for this release of OSMM Topography Layer data. The dates shown are extraction dates, not release dates.
Total Feature Count
506 051 882
506 484 147
Count of Topo Area
126 561 435
126 697 703
Count of Topo Line
348 736 616
348 999 864
Count of Topo Point
4 321 409
4 333 471
Count of Topo Bline
533 621
533 428
Count of Topo CartoSym
3 722 356
3 734 550
Count of Topo CartoTxt
22 176 445
22 185 131
Total Count of Deletes
552 193
482 784
Count of Topo Area deletions
90 968
78 620
Count of Topo Line deletions
413 319
360 998
Count of Topo Point deletions
4 058
3 993
Count of Topo Bline deletions
1 023
Count of Topo CartoSymcc deletions
9 835
9 635
Count of Topo CartoTxtcc deletions
32 990
28 947
Total Count of Inserts
972 994
915 049
Count of Topo Area inserts
225 863
214 888
Count of Topo Line inserts
672 929
624 246
Count of Topo Point inserts
14 334
16 055
Count of Topo Bline inserts
Count of Topo CartoSym inserts
20 171
21 829
Count of Topo CartoTxt inserts
39 167
37 633
Total Count of Modifications
833 584
681 711
Count of Topo Area Modifications
378 432
289 725
Count of Topo Line Modifications
430 672
369 012
Count of Topo Point Modifications
Count of Topo Bline Modifications
1 190
Count of Topo CartoSym Modifications
Count of Topo CartoTxt Modifications
22 868
21 869
COU Size (bytes)
413 944 082
402 922 509
New formats available
Alongside GML format, OSMM Topography Layer is also available in GeoPackage and vector tiles formats (from March 2023). Please see the Getting Started with GeoPackage and Getting Started with Vector Tiles guides for more information on using these new formats. The product is supplied as an online download. You can download data in its various formats from the OS Data Hub.
26 minor errors were detected, which is 22 more than the 48 errors found in the last refresh. Of these errors, 3 have existed since the previous refresh – these are minor issues caused by conflict (where the geometry of adjacent feature has not been updated to match), but there are no visible issues.
An issue has been identified whereby Post Offices are being incorrectly attributed or deleted due to data misinterpretation. In the previous release over 1 100 affected Post Offices were noted. As a result, there are 966 remaining without cartographic text of ‘Post Office’ or ‘PO’ in the November 2023 release of OSMM Topography Layer. A solution is currently being implemented for this issue and we aim to rectify it as soon as possible.
Land cover refinement changes
The land cover specification for rural geographies has been refined. The Mountain and Moorland refinement was completed in 2022.
The rural geography updates began capture in May 2022. The initial updates fed through to the July 2022 release of OSMM Topography Layer, with the multi class land cover polygons completed in December 2022. The single class land cover polygons will continue to feed through to product from April 2023.
The following two tables articulate this specification refinement:
Old land cover specification
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
Mountain and moorland
1.0hectares (ha) (10 000m²)
New land cover specification
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
Mountain and moorland
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)*
The asterisk symbol (*) shows which criteria have been refined.
The land cover specification refinement means that the rural land cover data within OSMM Topography Layer will become more granular, producing a more detailed view made up of smaller more numerous polygons. This provides users with more accurate data that meets each individual’s specific requirements. These changes are purely refinements and do not change the data attribution.
Annex A shows three examples of how the rural land cover refinement is being translated into OSMM Topography Layer.
Changed TOIDs
Numerous TOIDs (Topographic Identifiers) have changed since the last refresh, resulting in a visual difference in the data. The list below shows a sample of changed TOIDs and their locations that you can use as 'lookup samples' to validate that your latest supply has updated correctly:
259068.6, 910831.5
410989.2, 439867.5
548427.559, 256068.45
310922.73, 967740.4
231400.028, 393013.406
549683.928, 349919.463
Next release
The next release of OS MasterMap Topography Layer is scheduled for 04 January 2024.
Annex A: Rural land cover specification refinement examples
Last updated
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