Product details

Product feature types

The product contains three feature types:

  • Functional site polygons (FunctionalSite)

  • Functional site access points (AccessPoint)

  • Functional site routing points (RoutingPoint)

Functional sites

A functional site is a polygon representing the area, or extent, of certain types of function or activity, with appropriate attribution. It gives information surrounding the functional theme of the site (for example, education), specific site function (for example, primary education), site name, site size, primary site Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and additional supporting attribution (for example, version date).

Functional site themes are discussed in more detail further into this section.

Access points

An access point is a point feature type that refers to the accepted/maintained locations where pedestrians and/or vehicles can enter or leave a site. It gives information associated with access type (for example, pedestrian), contains attribution that allows interoperability with other feature types (for example, reference to routing point) and additional supporting attribution (for example, version date).

Routing points*

A routing point is a point feature type that refers to a position on the OS MasterMap Highways ‘road link’ feature that is close to a functional site access point. It can be used to aid vehicle navigation to the access point of the functional site via the OS MasterMap Highways Network. It also gives additional supporting attribution such as ‘version date’ and ‘start distance’.

*To meet customer needs a fully routable modal network is being created. A key element of this is to provide more usable data about the access to destinations. As a result, we are now directly splitting our road, track and path data where Access Links connect to the network. This will allow users to more easily route into sites using OS network data.

As nodes have now been created within the networks data, where Access Link features connect, there is now no requirement for Decision Node features and they are being removed from the Sites products.

This section describes the themes that are included in OS MasterMap Sites Layer and lists examples of functional sites that are represented within these.

Theme definitions

Air transport

This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by air, or where aircraft take off and land.

Examples: airfield, airport, heliport.


This theme includes a very broad group of sites with a common high-level primary function of providing education (either state-funded or by fees).

Examples: non-state primary education, special needs education and higher or university education.

Medical care

This theme includes sites that focus on the provision of secondary medical care services.

Examples: hospice, hospital and medical care accommodation.

Rail transport

This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by rail.

Examples: railway stations, vehicular rail terminals and tram stations.

Road transport

This theme includes sites associated with the movement of passengers and goods by road.

Examples: bus stations, coach stations and road user services.

Water transport

This theme includes sites involved in the transfer of passengers or goods onto vessels for transport across water.

Examples: vehicular ferry terminal and passenger ferry terminal.

Utility or industrial

This theme includes sites where the following activities take place:

  • The principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials on a large scale

  • Energy (that is, electricity, gas or oil) is produced, refined, distributed or stored

Examples: chemical works, oil terminal and gas distribution or storage.


A sample style for the graphical depiction of the functional site extents, access and routing points has been designed to aid customers with illustrating this product. Ordnance Survey has created Style Layer Descriptors (SLD); these can be found on GitHub.

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#345: Adding What's next networking links

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