Loading the data into a GIS
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The data can be loaded into several geographic information systems (GIS). This section describes how to load the combined CSV output file (for more information on how to combine multiple CSV files, see Section 3.1) into four commonly used GIS, including:
ArcGIS Pro
MapInfo Pro 2019
The following step-by-step instructions outline how to load Code-Point Open CSV files into QGIS. They have been prepared using version 3.8.1-Zanzibar of QGIS Desktop – an open-source GIS in which you can create, edit and visualise and publish geographic information. You can download QGIS for free from the Download QGIS for your platform page of the QGIS website.
To load and display CSV data in QGIS:
Open an existing project in QGIS or create a new one.
In Layer, click Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer… or click on the Add Delimited Text Layer symbol in the Manage Layers Toolbar.
This will open the Data Source Manager Delimited Text dialog.
In the Data Source Manager Delimited Text dialog:
File name: Use the ellipsis button (…) to the right of the File name pane to navigate to the saved outputfile.csv.
File Format: Select CSV (comma separated values).
Record and Fields Options: Select First Record has field names.
Geometry Definition:
Select Point coordinates.
X field: Choose Eastings (or EA if the abbreviated column header was selected).
Y field: Choose Northings (or NO if the abbreviated column header was selected).
Geometry CRS: Select EPSG:27700 – OSGB 1936 / British National Grid.
Click Add.
It will take a minute or so to load the data into the map pane, but when it has finished, the map pane will look like the example below:
OS Maps API Light 27700 is being used as the background map for geographic context
The outputfile can now be saved out into any format of your choosing. It is best to do this, otherwise you will have to repeat the process of geoprocessing the outputfile.csv every time you need to use it.
The following step-by-step instructions outline how to load Code-Point Open CSV files into ArcGIS Pro. They have been prepared using version 3.0.
To load and display CSV data in ArcGIS Pro:
Open ArcGIS Pro.
Open a project and name it (in this example, the project will be called cpOpen).
Browse to a memorable location in which to save the project and keep the ‘Create a new folder for this project’ option checked.
Click OK.
Once the project opens, add a background map for geographic context (in this example, OS Maps API Light 27700 has been added as the background map).
From the Map tab, click Add Data > XY Point Data.
A Geoprocessing pane will open on the right-hand side of the map pane.
Input Table: Use the folder symbol to the right of the field to navigate to the outputfile.csv.
Output Feature Class: This will auto-populate.
X Field: Select Easting (or EA if the abbreviated column headers were chosen).
Y Field: Select Northing (or NO if the abbreviated column headers were chosen).
Coordinate System: Select Current Map [Map]. This will then populate with British National Grid (the OS Maps API Light 27700 map has already been chosen for the background context mapping in this example).
Click Run at the bottom right of the Geoprocessing pane.
In the Geoprocessing pane:
Input Table: Use the folder symbol to the right of the field to navigate to the outputfile.csv.
Output Feature Class: This will auto-populate.
X Field: Select Easting (or EA if the abbreviated column headers were chosen).
Y Field: Select Northing (or NO if the abbreviated column headers were chosen).
Coordinate System: Select Current Map [Map]. This will then populate with British National Grid (the OS Maps API Light 27700 map has already been chosen for the background context mapping in this example).
Click Run at the bottom right of the Geoprocessing pane.
It will take a minute or so to load the data into the map pane, but when the data has finished loading, the map pane will look like the example below:
OS Maps API Light 27700 has been used as the background map for geographic context.
As a result of this process, a new file geodatabase will have been created in the new folder that was created when the project was opened.
The following step-by-step instructions outline how to load Code-Point Open CSV files into ArcMap. They have been prepared using version 10.7.1.
To load and display CSV data in ArcMap:
Open ArcMap.
Click on the Add Data button from the top ribbon.
In the Add Data dialog, browse to where you have saved your outputfile.csv, select the file and click Add.
The file will now appear in the Table Of Contents.
Right-click on the outputfile.csv in the Table of Contents and select Display XY data…
In the Display XY Data dialog:
X Field: Select Eastings (or EA if the abbreviated column headers have been chosen).
Y Field: Select Northings (or NO if the abbreviated column headers have been chosen).
Coordinate System of the Input Coordinates: Select British National Grid.
Click OK.
Click OK in the following window which will automatically pop up:
The message warns you that the file resulting layer is only a temporary table and will need to be saved out.
After a minute or so, the points will appear in the map pane; the map pane should look similar to the following example:
Before the points can be used meaningfully, you'll need to save the layer out as a shapefile:
Right-click on the outputfile.csv Events layer in the Layers panel.
Click Export from the drop-down menu.
In the Export Data dialog, browse to and select a file name for the data.
Click OK.
The shapefile will take several minutes to create, but progress can be monitored in the Export Progress window that will automatically pop up. This window will close when the export is complete.
The following window will also pop up, giving you the option to add the newly created data to the workspace. If you click Yes, then a shapefile and associated files will be created at the chosen location.
The following step-by-step instructions outline how to load Code-Point Open CSV files into MapInfo Pro. They have been prepared using version MapInfo Pro 2019, release build 58.
To load and display CSV data in MapInfo Pro:
Open MapInfo Pro 2019.
Select Open > Blank Workspace.
Open a mapping background for geographic context (in this example, OS Maps API Light 27700 has been added as the background map).
From the HOME tab, click Open Table.
In the Open dialog:
Files of type: Change from MapInfo.tab to Comma delimited CSV (*.csv).
Browse to outputfile.csv and click on it.
Click Open.
In the Open dialog:
Files of type: Change from MapInfo.tab to Comma delimited CSV (*.csv).
Browse to outputfile.csv and click on it.
Click Open.
It will take several minutes for the table to load, but when it does, a window called outputfile Browser will open:
To create the points from the table, click on the SPATIAL tab from the top ribbon > Create > Create Points.
In the Create Points dialog:
Projection: Change this from Longitude / Latitude (WGS 84) to British National Grid [EPSG:27700]. The easiest way to do this is to click the ellipsis button next to Projection and then tap B on the keyboard 6 times, highlight British National Grid [EPSG:27700] in the results and click OK.
using Symbol: The default style in this dialog is a square. You can change this to something a bit more visible (for example, a red star) if you like by clicking on the ‘using Symbol’ button and following the instructions.
Leave all the other settings.
Click OK.
A progress bar will appear; it will disappear when the geoprocessing has finished:
Once the process has finished, the points will appear in the map pane with your chosen point style. The map pane should look similar to the following example:
A .tab file (and associated .MAP and .ID files) is automatically created in the same folder as the outputfile.csv. However, these are the temporary files that are created as part of the point creation process and they will be difficult to query.
To save the output file layer as a true .tab file, click the HOME tab > Save > Save Copy As. In the Save Copy As dialog, select outputfile and click Save As…
In the Save Copy of Table As dialog, navigate to where you would like to save the .tab file, give it a memorable name and click Save:
A progress bar will once again appear and then disappear when the save has completed. A more easily queryable .tab file will now be available to use in MapInfo.