CodeList: RouteNodeDescriptiveTermValue
The point where three or more RouteLink features intersect at the same physical level where a choice of route is available.
A node which represents a point where one or more attributes of the RouteLink features connected to it change their value.
A Terminal node represents the start or end of a set of RouteLink features.
Within access land
This attribute indicates whether a RouteLink in England and Wales falls within an area of Access Land as depicted on Ordnance Survey 1:25 000 Scale Colour Raster mapping. For ease of use in routing applications, all RouteLink features in Scotland have the value also set to ‘TRUE’, even though the concept of Access Land is not relevant to routes in Scotland.
Only links with the following descriptiveTerm are eligible to have the accessLand attribute set to ‘TRUE’:
Private Road
This includes Access Land of the following types where access has been agreed:
CRoW land
Forest Enterprise
National Trust
Other Access
Section 16
Woodland Trust
No information on the type of Access Land is provided
The Extent of Access land has been simplified to create a routable network
There are sections of RouteLink features within areas of Access Land that are disconnected from the wider network. This is due to the differing resolutions of the network data and the underlying Access Land data.
Work is ongoing to reduce the incidence in future releases. In Scotland, this attribute is always set to ‘TRUE’.
In England and Wales, RouteLink features with this attribute set to ‘TRUE’ can be used by pedestrians.
For Private Roads where the only right to use is because the road is in Access Land, there may not be a right to use the road itself.
Other users may only use the route if another attribute indicates this is permissible. For example, a Track in Access Land may also be a Bridleway or there may be no other usage rights.
Last updated
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