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Address Classifications

Addressing Classification Levels

The Addressing classification scheme provides varying levels of classification for addressable objects which are captured and maintained by the Local Authorities and Ordnance Survey.

You can query the data to explore residential and commercial properties at the primary classification level. Or you can carry out a more specific query using the secondary and tertiary level classifications. However, there are only certain classification codes that extend to the quaternary classification level.

Table showing the four levels of classification

The level of classification varies across all addressable objects and across the different products.

The full list of classification codes can be found on the OS website

Use Case - Health Centre CM02HC

AddressBase does not allow access to beyond primary level classifications.

You can only query to identify Commercial classifications (C)

Select addr.*
from addressbase.addressbase addr
Where addr.class = 'C'

This returns 1.3 million records nationally

AddressBase records for classification 'C'

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This content has been developed from what was originally a Lightning Talk PowerPoint slide set. These slides are available to PSGA members to view and download from the PSGA members area of the OS website

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