OS MasterMap Highways Network and OS NGD Speeds

A Lightning Talk

OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed

In March 2023 OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed dataset was released …and made available to PSGA customers

OSMM Highways Network with Speeds was withdrawn and was no longer supported.

Existing customers who had taken OSMM Highways with Speeds had a replacement dataset but not an easy way to integrate or use it with OSMM Highways Network.

Additionally, new customers faced the same dilemma, particularly if OSMM Highways Network was embedded within existing systems.

Joining OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed data to OSMM Highways Network

It is not possible to join OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed data to OSMM Highways Network RoadLinks directly using the identifiers.

OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed data references the OS NGD Transport Network Road Link features, which have the OSID as the unique identifier. Whereas OSMM Highways Network RoadLink features have the TOID.

To join the data, it’s necessary to use the OS NGD Transport Network Road Link feature as this contains both the OSID and TOID for every Road Link feature.

NOTE: Care is needed to ensure that the OS NGD and OSMM datasets have the same geometry currency.

Information on currency can be found here:

Using third party software with OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed data with OSMM Highways Network

ESRI Tools

In an ESRI environment the UK Data Loader can translate both datasets independently using the versions below…but does not combine elements of each.

FME Tools

If OSMM Highways Network can’t easily be replaced, then it’s possible to create ‘pseudo’ OSMM Highways with Speed data from OS NGD Average and Indicative Speeds.

Create Network Dataset using OSMM Highways data and ‘pseudo’ Speed data using UK Data Loader

You can choose the ‘Process OS Highways Data’ option in UK Data Loader and point it at the data created from FME

Inputs are OSMM Highways Network RoadLinks; NGD Average and Indicative Speed data; and OS NGD Transport Network Road Links (as before).

The model appends the RoadLink TOID onto each row of the OS NGD Average and Indicative Speed data meaning it can be joined to the OSMM Highways Network geometry.

Last updated