Data ordering and currency

To get access to the OS NGD you must first log into the OS Data Hub. The OS NGD will be accessible via both the Premium Plan and Public Sector Plan on the OS Data Hub.

Geographic filtering

There are three options within OS Select+Build in relation to the geographic extent of your order. These are:

  • Great Britain: Receive all data for the whole of Great Britain.

  • Customer Specified Area: Draw an area of interest (AOI) and only receive the data which intersects this area.

  • Pre-defined Area: Select a pre-defined area, and only receive the data which intersects this area.

The only exception to the above is the OS NGD Address Islands Collection; this collection contains data for Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands, and it will be provided as a full supply of data independent of any geographic filtering applied to your OS NGD recipe.

COU Supplies are not available for AOIs. Monthly Full Supplies are available for AOIs.

Order update options

When accessing the OS NGD, the following order update options will be available:

  • One Off Full Supply

  • Regular Full Supply

  • Change-Only Update (COU; after an initial Full Supply)

  • No Update

The following frequencies will be available dependent on the type of order you place:

  • Daily Supply: This will provide you with the latest updates OS have loaded and verified for publication since the previous day as a COU file

  • Monthly Supply: Either a Full Supply or COU Supply of all the changes which have occurred in the previous month

  • Annual Supply: A Full Supply of the data to show how the data looked at the end of each year

Further details about the options available to you can be found further down on this page.

Please note:

  • If you order an Annual Supply frequency, we will provide you the data as it was on 01 January of the current year. This means if a new feature type was released after 01 January and you order this as part of your annual supply, you will receive a blank file for the newly-released feature type. The data for this feature type will then be included in your supply on the next 01 January after the release.

  • The March 2024 release contained the 3 new feature types (Field Boundaries, Named Road Junction and Tram On Road), and 6 new data schema versions (Land V2.0, Rail V2.0, Road Link V3.0, Road Track or Path V2.0, Structure V2.0 and Water V2.0). As per the bullet above, this data will not be part of Annual Supply orders until 01 January 2025.

  • Monthly orders provide data for the 1st of the month. For example, if you ordered a Monthly order on 17 April 2024, you would receive the data as it was on 01 April 2024.

Update files

Upon OS NGD launch, if you choose to receive a COU supply for your CSV data, this can be provided on either a daily or monthly frequency. In both cases, your COU file will contain any changes which have been made to the underlying data within the selected time frequency. If no changes have been made to a selected feature type of your choice, then you will receive a blank COU file.

File supply

If you use OS Select+Build to access the OS NGD, then a separate download file will be provided for each feature type you order. For example, if your selected theme has two feature types you will be supplied with two separate files (CSV or GeoPackage) as part of your order.

Ordering combinations

The following tables summarise the different options available to you dependent on what you specify when ordering your data through OS Select+Build.

For the purposes of the tables below, the following definitions are being used:

  • Unfiltered means a Great Britain supply with no further attribute filters applied.

  • Filtered means an order for data which either has a geographic filter applied or an attribute filter applied.

GPKG files

Initial supplyUpdate options

Daily (filtered / unfiltered)


Monthly (filtered / unfiltered)

Monthly Full Supply

Annual (filtered / unfiltered)

Annual Full Resupply with data from 01 January

Please note that COU supplies are only available for CSV files; they are not available for GeoPackage files.

CSV files

Initial supplyUpdate options

Daily (filtered)


Daily (unfiltered)

Daily COU

Monthly (filtered)

Monthly Full Supply

Monthly (unfiltered)

Monthly COU or Monthly Full Supply

Annual (filtered / unfiltered)

Annual Full Resupply with data from 01 January

You can use the OS Downloads API to manage your daily / monthly COU supply of OS NGD data.

Currency of OS NGD data

OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Features

Whether accessing OS NGD data through OS Select+Build or OS NGD API – Features, the following currency of the data will apply:

ThemeCollectionUpdate frequency

OS NGD Address

All Address collections


OS NGD Administrative and Statistical Units

Boundaries Collection


OS NGD Buildings

All Buildings Collections


OS NGD Geographical Names

All Geographical Collections



All Land Collections


OS NGD Land Use

All Land Use Collections


OS NGD Structures

All Structures Collections


OS NGD Transport

Transport Features


Transport Network




OS NGD Water

Water Features


Water Network


For collections that are not updated daily, the table below provides the date of the last update. It also shows the version of the MasterMap product to which the OS NGD data corresponds.

CollectionLast UpdatedCorresponding MasterMap product

OS NGD Transport - Transport Network

25th July 2024

OS MasterMap Highways Network - July 2024 publication

OS NGD Transport -


25th July 2024

OS MasterMap Highways Network - July 2024 publication

OS NGD Water -

Water Network

9th April 2024

OS MasterMap Water Network - April 2024 publication

OS NGD Administrative and Statistical Units - Boundaries

11th July 2024

Boundary-Line -

June 2024 publication

OS NGD API – Tiles

When accessing OS NGD data through OS NGD API – Tiles, the data currency is weekly for the basemap – please see the 'Accessing OS NGD APIs' page for more information.

Please note:

  • The OS NGD Address Theme is only available via OS Select+Build and is not available via OS NGD API – Features or OS NGD API – Tiles.

  • The OS NGD Administrative and Statistical Units Theme is only available via OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Tiles and is not available via OS NGD API – Features.

  • Feature types in the Routing and Asset Management Information (RAMI) Collection (of the OS NGD Transport Theme) are only available via OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Features and are not available via OS NGD API – Tiles.

  • The Waterbody Catchment and River Basin District Catchment Feature Types (of the Water Features Collection in the OS NGD Water Theme) are not available via OS NGD API – Features but they are available via OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Tiles

Last updated