
The NamedTimeValue is used to name specific time periods when a restriction may apply. This code list is used for the property ‘namedTime’ within the data type TimePropertyType. The following table lists the codes which can be found.

Code List: NamedTimeValue


Morning Rush Hour

A busy part of the day where people are travelling usually before work, in the morning.


The period from sunset to sunrise.

Part Time

For only some of the time.

Peak Time

A time when a lot of people are using the same service.

All Day

Applies to the entire day.

At High Tide

When the tide is at its highest level.

At Low Tide

When the tide is at its lowest level.


The period of time at the end of the day.

Dawn Till Dusk

Time period between dawn and dusk.

Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before sunrise. Dusk is the darkest stage of twilight in the evening.


A twenty-four-hour period, from 00:00–23:59.

Dusk Till Dawn

Time period between dusk and dawn.

Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before sunrise. Dusk is the darkest stage of twilight in the evening.

Evening Rush Hour

A busy part of the day where people are travelling usually after work, in the evening.

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