February 2024
This release note provides information about the latest release of OS MasterMap (OSMM) Topography Layer, released to customers on 19 February 2024.
OSMM Topography Layer product count
The following table contains product counts for this release of OSMM Topography Layer data. The dates shown are extraction dates, not release dates.
Total Feature Count
506 917 679
507 375 850
Count of Topo Area
126 804 006
126 911 673
Count of Topo Line
349 295 187
349 600 457
Count of Topo Point
4 345 063
4 362 057
Count of Topo Bline
532 991
532 911
Count of Topo CartoSym
3 745 400
3 763 697
Count of Topo CartoTxt
22 195 032
22 205 055
Total Count of Deletes
333 884
352 971
Count of Topo Area deletions
70 410
72 340
Count of Topo Line deletions
231 489
246 393
Count of Topo Point deletions
3 420
4 698
Count of Topo Bline deletions
Count of Topo CartoSymcc deletions
7 670
11 208
Count of Topo CartoTxtcc deletions
20 067
17 899
Total Count of Inserts
767 416
811 142
Count of Topo Area inserts
176 713
180 007
Count of Topo Line inserts
526 812
551 663
Count of Topo Point inserts
15 012
21 692
Count of Topo Bline inserts
Count of Topo CartoSym inserts
18 520
29 505
Count of Topo CartoTxt inserts
29 968
27 922
Total Count of Modifications
515 536
600 677
Count of Topo Area Modifications
246 717
294 892
Count of Topo Line Modifications
254 055
291 597
Count of Topo Point Modifications
Count of Topo Bline Modifications
Count of Topo CartoSym Modifications
Count of Topo CartoTxt Modifications
13 510
13 102
COU Size (bytes)
347 863 984
386 470 897
New formats available
Alongside GML format, OSMM Topography Layer is also available in GeoPackage and vector tiles formats (from March 2023). Please see the Getting Started with GeoPackage and Getting Started with Vector Tiles guides for more information on using these new formats. The product is supplied as an online download. You can download data in its various formats from the OS Data Hub.
In this release 7 minor errors were detected, which is 1 more than the 6 errors found in the last refresh. Of these errors, 1 has existed since the previous refresh. 6 of these are minor issues – these are minor issues with no visible issues, and there is 1 serious error of a double digitised line.
We aim to have all errors resolved prior to the next release as part of ongoing quality improvements.
Land cover refinement changes
The land cover specification for rural geographies has been refined. The Mountain and Moorland refinement was completed in 2022.
The rural geography updates began capture in May 2022. The initial updates fed through to the July 2022 release of OSMM Topography Layer, with the multi class land cover polygons completed in December 2022. The single class land cover polygons will continue to feed through to product from April 2023.
The following two tables articulate this specification refinement:
Old land cover specification
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
Mountain and moorland
1.0hectares (ha) (10 000m²)
New land cover specification
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)
Mountain and moorland
0.1hectares (ha) (1 000m²)*
The asterisk symbol (*) shows which criteria have been refined.
The land cover specification refinement means that the rural land cover data within OSMM Topography Layer will become more granular, producing a more detailed view made up of smaller more numerous polygons. This provides users with more accurate data that meets each individual’s specific requirements. These changes are purely refinements and do not change the data attribution.
Annex A shows three examples of how the rural land cover refinement is being translated into OSMM Topography Layer.
Changed TOIDs
Numerous TOIDs (Topographic Identifiers) have changed since the last refresh, resulting in a visual difference in the data. The list below shows a sample of changed TOIDs and their locations that you can use as 'lookup samples' to validate that your latest supply has updated correctly:
332000, 721912.22
335945.87, 440115.421
578813.895, 172187.251
265014.445, 842929.902
400486.093, 278819.54
617199.12, 165232.91
Next release
The next release of OS MasterMap Topography Layer is scheduled for 02 April 2024.
Annex A: Rural land cover specification refinement examples
Last updated
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