Product packaging
OS MasterMap Highways Network core products (Roads, Routing and Asset Management Information, and Paths)
When a customer receives an order from the OS Data Hub, the product will be packaged with the following elements:
Data folder
The data folder will contain the GML, Geopackage or Vector tiles files which make up the ordered product. The data folder will have been compressed to to enable a single download of the product. Once this has been downloaded, the file will contain all the data files which make up the ordered product and these files will have been compressed using gzip.
Doc folder
For GML, the doc folder will contain a summary.gml file which will contain specific information about the customer order, including:
The order number
Query extent polygon(s) of the order
The order type: Full supply or COU
For COU orders, the change-since date
The doc folder will have been compressed to to enable a single download of the associated documents.
The Geopackage and Vector Tiles formats will have the same folder structure but will be available for GB coverage only so will not contain COU files.
Resources folder
The resources folder will contain the product’s Feature Validation Data Set (FVDS), and a lookup table to the OS Open Roads product. For further information on these resources, please refer to the Feature validation data set, and OS Open Roads lookup table sections within this document. The folder will have been compressed to to enable a single download of the resources; within the zipped folder, the contents will have been compressed.
OS MasterMap Highways Network speed products
When a partner receives an order from the OS Data Hub, the product will be packaged as follows:
Data folder
The data folder will contain the CSV (for Average Speed product) or shapefile (for Speed Limits product) which make up the ordered product. The data folder will have been compressed to either (for Average Speed) or (for Speed Limits) to enable a single download of the product.
Once this has been downloaded, the zip file will contain the corresponding CSV (Highways_AverageSpeed_GB.csv) or shapefiles (Highways_SpeedLimits_GB.shp) which make up the ordered product, and these files will have been compressed using zip.
Text file
A text file named Readme.txt will contain notes on the product supply and release information.
Last updated