Additional Resources


Technical articles covering a variety of topics to provide more in-depth examinations of using OS NGD data via OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs.


Use our custom stylesheets to easily visualise your chosen OS Select+Build dataset(s). Pick from one of two styles – contextual or analytical – available in QGIS, ArcMap, and SLD format.

A useful tutorial on 'How to download and use OS stylesheets' is available on our 'More Than Maps' site (a self-serve platform that provides a one-stop shop for all your OS technical geospatial support, including tutorials, demonstrators and case studies).

FAQs for OS APIs

General FAQs and answers for OS APIs are available on the 'OS Data Hub FAQs: Plans' page and 'OS Data Hub FAQs: Account and API' page, for example, 'What's a Project?', 'What throttling is applied to the APIs?'

Last updated