Change Log

This page summarises the changes made to the OS National Geographic Database (NGD) documentation. Changes will be made for a variety of reasons, including reflecting any alterations made to the OS NGD data itself as we enhance and improve the offering, plus simple improvements to the documentation to aid understanding.

The table below gives a summary of the changes made and the date upon which those changes took effect:




New pages added for the the September 2024 OS NGD data enhancements release:

- Six new code lists added: Address Classification Source Value, Classification Correlation Value, Matched UPRN Value, Network Over Under Bridge Value, Status Value, and Yes No Value.

Existing pages amended with information about the September 2024 OS NGD data enhancements:

- Updates made to the Building Part, Land, Rail, Road Link, Road Track Or Path, Site, Structure, and Water Feature Type pages to reflect new attribution for land use, as supplied with data schema version 3.0 for all feature types bar Building Part and Site, which are supplied with data schema version 2.0.

- Updates made to the Compound Structure Feature Type page to reflect new attribution for bridge interactions, as supplied with data schema version 2.0.

- Updates made to the Building Feature Type page to reflect new Number of Floors attribution, as supplied with data schema version 3.0.

- Three code lists updated: Building Part Description Value, Compound Structure Description Value and Relationship Type Value.

- Updates made to the OS NGD Buildings pages (in the USING NGD DATA section) to reflect new Number of Floors attribution in data schema version 3.0 of the Building Feature Type.

- Updates to the 'What's New?', 'Known data issues', 'Product announcements', 'Core Principles', 'Future OS NGD Data Enhancements', and 'Sample data' pages.

- Updates made to the following OS NGD collection pages: Structure Features, Land Features, Land Use Features, Building Features, Transport Features and Water Features.



New pages added for the the March 2024 OS NGD data enhancements release:

- Pages added for the new Field Boundary, Named Road Junction, and Tram On Road Feature Types, together with pages for their associated new code lists.

- New sections added to the USING NGD DATA section for OS NGD Land cover enhancements, OS NGD Structures and OS NGD Transport.

Existing pages amended with information about the March 2024 OS NGD data enhancements:

- Updates made to the Land, Rail, Road Link, Road Track Or Path, Structure, and Water Feature Type pages to reflect new attribution for land cover, as supplied with data schema version 2.0 for all feature types bar Road Link, which is supplied with data schema version 3.0.

- Updates to the 'What's New?', 'Product announcements', 'Future OS NGD Data Enhancements', and 'Sample data' pages.



New pages added for the the September 2023 OS NGD data enhancements release:

- Pages added for the new Building, Railway Link, Railway Link Set, Railway Node, and Pavement Link Feature Types, together with their associated new code lists.

Existing pages amended with information about the September 2023 OS NGD data enhancements:

- Updates made to the Road Link Feature Type page to reflect the new attribution for pavement presence, as supplied with data schema version 2.0.

- New section added to the USING NGD DATA section for OS NGD Buildings.

- Updates to the 'What's New?', 'Product announcements', 'Future OS NGD Data Enhancements', and 'Sample data' pages.

- Updates made to the OS NGD Building Features and OS NGD Transport Network Collection pages.



Changes introduced to reflect expansion of coverage from urban paths only to GB-wide coverage.



New page added to the GETTING STARTED section: 'OS NGD Talks, Webinars, Tutorial Videos and Case Studies'.



Temporal filtering sub-section wording updated on the feature type pages of eight feature types in the OS NGD Addressing Theme in the DATA STRUCTURE section. The earliest and latest dates on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for the data schema versions available for these feature types are now documented. Example images added to all OS NGD Collection pages (in the DATA STRUCTURE section) to show what the different feature types in the collections look like in the data. A background map has been included in each image to provide context. Example images added to the 'Average And Indicative Speed', 'Highway Dedication' and 'Restriction' Feature Types pages (of the RAMI Collection) to show what the different feature types look like in the data. A background map has been included in each image to provide context.



Definition expanded for the Average And Indicative Speed Feature Type (of the RAMI Collection). Road Link Direction attribute (RAMI Collection, attribute for the Restriction Feature Type) definition updated from ‘The direction in which the restriction applies in direction of digitisation of the Road Link feature.’ to ‘The direction in which the restriction applies in relation to the direction of digitisation of a Road Link feature'. Directionality attribute (Transport Network Collection, attribute for the Road Link Feature Type) definition updated from ‘Indication of the direction of traffic flow.’ to ‘Indication of the direction of traffic flow in relation to the direction of digitisation of a Road Link feature'. Three missing definition values entered in the Link Direction value code list and final sentence of code list definition expanded.



New warning note added to the 'Site Routing Point Feature Type' page under the feature type description at the top of the page. Information note added to the 'Road Node Feature Type' page under the feature type description at the top of the page. Fifth reason added for one of the General FAQs on the FAQs page ('Why am I receiving blank files?' FAQ), relating to the Site Routing Point Feature Type being an 'end of life' feature type as of late spring 2023.



New announcement added to 'Product Announcement' page: 'June 2023: 5 days of system downtime for feature types'.



New images added to the 'Homepage', 'What's New?', 'Terminology and access', and 'OS NGD Future Data Enhancements' pages.



One YouTube video added to the 'Accessing OS NGD APIs' page; the video gives instructions on how to add OS NGD API – Tiles to a new project on the OS Data Hub and generate an API key. One YouTube video added to the 'Getting Started with Attribute Filtering' page and the 'Getting Started with Temporal Filtering' page; the video gives instructions on how to get started with both attribute filtering and temporal filtering in OS Select+Build.



'Known Data Issues' page: New section and table added for 'OS NGD Transport Theme known data issues' to document an 'Incorrect speed values' issue.



New page added to 'DATA STRUCTURE' section: 'Product Announcements'. New section ('How do I check if filters are used in an existing recipe?') added to the 'Getting Started with Attribute Filtering' sub-page in the 'Accessing OS NGD' section.



New sub-page added to the 'Downloading with OS Select+Build' page in the 'Accessing OS NGD' section: 'Getting Started with Temporal Filtering'.



More information added about default coordinate reference systems available for the RAMI, Water Network and Transport Network Collections on their retrospective collection pages in the Data Structure section and in the 'Coordinate reference systems' page in the OS NGD Core Principles section.



Recipe sharing information added to the 'What's New?' page and the 'Downloading with OS Select+Build' page.



New pages published: 'Data schema versioning' and 'What's New?' (both within the Getting Started section); 'Versioning information' (within OS NGD Address in the Data Structure section). Existing pages amended with information about the March 2023 OS NGD data enhancements: 'OS NGD Key Benefits to Customers'; 'Core Principles'; 'Downloading with OS Select+Build'; 'Accessing OS NGD APIs'; 'Using Code Examples'; Theme pages for Address, Transport and Water; all 13 Collection pages; 'Known Data Issues'; 'Data Catalogue'; 'FAQs'; 'Future OS NGD Data Enhancements'. Coming soon banner removed from all relevant addressing feature type pages and from the Average And Indicative Speed, Waterbody Catchment, and River Basin District Catchment Feature Type pages.



Diagrams added to the 'Water Link' and 'Water Link Set' Feature Type pages (within the DATA STRUCTURE section) to show how these features look in OS NGD data.



New pages published for the Average And Indicative Speed Feature Type (within the RAMI Collection of the OS NGD Transport Theme), Capture Method Value Code List, and Average And Indicative Speed Description Value Code List. New pages published for the Waterbody Catchment Feature Type and River Basin District Catchment Feature Type (both within the Water Features Collection of the OS NGD Water Theme), Waterbody Category Value Code List, Waterbody Catchment Description Value Code List, and River Basin District Catchment Description Value Code List. Existing pages updated to include data schema version 2 information and new attributes for the Built Address, Historic Address, Non-Addressable Object and Pre-Build Address Feature Types in both the GB Address and Islands Address Collections (within the OS NGD Address Theme). The Related Entity Related Component page was also updated to include data schema version 2 information and new attributes.



'Known Data Issues' page: Section and table removed for 'OS NGD Transport Theme known data issues' as these have been resolved. 'Daily COU updates temporarily paused' row removed from 'OS NGD Address Theme known data issues' table as this issue has been resolved. Page title change from 'Accessing OS NGD API – Features' to 'Accessing OS NGD APIs' in the DATA STRUCTURE section.



Temporal filtering information added to the top of all 81 feature type pages (detailing the earliest date on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for data in each feature type). Temporal filtering information generalised on all 13 collection pages, pointing users to individual feature type pages to get dates instead.



Content published on the 'Getting Started with Attribute Filtering' page.



Order of pages amended in the 'Core Principles' section and new placeholder page on 'Data schema versioning' added to this section. New placeholder page on 'What's New' added to 'GETTING STARTED' section. New placeholder page 'Versioning information' added to 'DATA STRUCTURE' section for the Addressing Theme. Geometry type corrected from Polygon to MultiPolygon for the Geometry attribute of all feature types in the Boundaries Collection (apart from the Boundary High Water Mark, GLA Assembly Constituency and Regional Authority Feature Types).



'Known Data Issues' page: New section and table added for the OS NGD Transport Theme known data issues. New row added to the OS NGD Address Theme known data issues table ('Daily COU updates temporarily paused').



Missing definitions added to the 'Structure Land Cover Tier A Value' and 'Structure Land Cover Tier B Value' Code Lists.



New section added to the 'Known Data Issues' page for the OS NGD Administrative and Statistical Units Theme.



'Known Data Issues' page added to the Data Structure section. Updates made to the 'Coordinate Reference Systems' page: table added outlining the default coordinate reference system used by each OS NGD collection; note deleted; OS Select+Build list of coordinate reference systems altered by removing World Geodetic System (WGS84: EPSG: 4326) and inserting European Terrestrial Reference System (ETRS89: EPSG: 4258). New OS Select+Build FAQ added to the 'FAQs' page ('How do I identify the correct OS NGD collection for calculating usage?').



Updates made to the 'Sample Data Information' page to mention that sample data is now available for the OS NGD GB Address Collection. Sample data is available for 12 of the 13 OS NGD collections. Note added to say that sample data won't be released for the OS NGD Islands Address Collection. Wording updated for two of the General FAQs on the 'FAQs' page ('Why am I receiving blank files?' FAQ and the 'Why do I have different start dates when applying temporal filters to different feature types?' FAQ).



New General FAQ added to the 'FAQs' page ('What are the default coordinate reference systems used by the OS NGD collections?'). New sections added to the 13 OS NGD collection pages on earliest temporal filtering date and default coordinate reference systems.



New note added to the 'Data ordering and currency' page about geographic filtering supply options. Note added to the 'Related Components' page. New note added to the 'COU supplies' page about features moving between OS NGD themes and between OS NGD feature types. Introductory sentence added above the CSV structure table on the 'File formats and naming' page. Definition added for the 'Made Surface' label in the 'Rail Description Value' Code List. The maintenanceauthority_authorityname attribute's definition was corrected from 'The authority responsible for the street naming and numbering or maintenance' to 'The authority responsible for maintenance.'



Formatting changes on the 'FAQs' page to include expandable blocks. Minor changes to two labels in the 'Land Description Value' Code List: 'Heath Or Rough Grassland And Scattered Boulders or Scattered Rock' was changed to 'Heath Or Rough Grassland And Scattered Rock'; and 'Heath Or Rough Grassland And Scattered Boulders or Scattered Rock And Scrub' was changed to 'Heath Or Rough Grassland And Scattered Rock And Scrub'.



Note (saying that ''the Address Theme will be launched later this year'') removed from the top of the OS NGD Address Theme, GB Address Collection and Islands Address Collection pages as the Address Theme went live to customers in OS Select+Build on 31/10/2022. Correction made to the feature type description on the Connecting Link Feature Type page to say that a Connecting Link does not represent a feature in the real world.



Updates made to the 'OS NGD Sample Data Information' page to mention that sample data is now available for the OS NGD Boundaries Collection. Sample data is available for 11 of the 13 OS NGD collections.



Updates made to the 'OS NGD Sample Data Information' page to mention that sample data is now available for the OS NGD Water Network, Transport Network, Named Features, and Routing and Asset Management Information (RAMI) Collections. Sample data is available for 10 of the 13 OS NGD collections.



Amendments made to the instructions for loading CSV files into an Oracle database in the 'Loading CSV files' page.



'Data Entity Catalogue' Code List updated to remove OS NGD Landform label and insert OS NGD Rail label. 'OS Land Use Tier B Value' Code List updated to include previously unavailable definitions for all bar five labels. 'Accessibility' page added to the EXTRA LINKS section. Additional instructions added to the 'Downloading with OS Select+Build' page on downloading data packages. Two YouTube videos added to the 'Downloading with OS Select+Build' page; the videos give instructions on how to create a new recipe using OS Select+Build, and how to create and download a data package using OS Select+Build. One YouTube video added to the 'Accessing OS NGD APIs' page; the video gives instructions on how to add OS NGD API – Features to a new project on the OS Data Hub and generate an API key.



OS NGD official launch to customers.


25/08/2022 to 29/09/2022

Amendments to multiple pages and publication of new pages in preparation for OS NGD launch.



Amendments to multiple pages in preparation for the first set of OS NGD sample data being released.



Pre-release of OS NGD documentation on the OS NGD Documentation Platform.

Last updated

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