OS NGD Sample Data Information

There are now two options available for you to interact with OS NGD sample data:

🆕 OS NGD Product Viewer Tool

A new OS NGD Product Viewer Tool is available that lets you visualise product sample data online for three areas (Exeter, Newport and Inverness).

Sample data for most OS NGD feature types are available through the tool. The sample data always use the latest data schema version available for each feature type.

Downloadable sample data

Sample data are available to download from the OS website for the following OS NGD collections:

OS NGD collection
Available formats
Sample data coverage

GB Address

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas


GeoPackage, CSV

National coverage for Great Britain

🆕Building Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

🆕Land Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

🆕Land Use Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

Named Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

Routing and Asset Management Information (RAMI)

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

🆕Structure Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

🆕Transport Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

Transport Network

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

🆕Water Features

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

Water Network

GeoPackage, CSV

Three 10km x 10km areas

Sample data for the collections are available in GeoPackage and CSV (comma-separated values) formats.

One zip file of sample data is provided per OS NGD collection. Within each of these zip files, the individual feature types for each collection are separated into their own folder.

The sample data for each OS NGD collection cover three 10km by 10km areas in Great Britain: Exeter (England), Newport (Wales), and Inverness (Scotland). The exception to this is the OS NGD Boundaries Collection sample data which provide national coverage for Great Britain.

Please note that sample data are not available for the OS NGD Islands Address Collection.

Sample data always use the latest data schema version available for each collection.

Please note that as we are publishing three 10km x 10km sample data areas for most of the OS NGD collections, a small number of feature types are not represented within these areas and therefore their record counts will be zero:

  • Landform Point (OS NGD Land Features Collection)

  • Maintenance Point (OS NGD RAMI Collection)

  • Railway Link Set (OS NGD Transport Network Collection)

Last updated