What's New?

As we release new enhancements into the OS NGD, we will update this page to provide you with a high-level summary of what's launched.

2024 OS NGD enhancements

March 2024 – OS NGD data enhancements


  • Building Age: The age of the main building in a site, created using Verisk data and OS data​.

  • Construction Material: The primary construction material of the building, created using Verisk data and OS data​.

  • Basement Presence: An indicator to show whether a basement or aβ€―self-contained basement flat are present at the building, created using Verisk data and OS data​.

  • Building Description: A new description attribute to describe the nature of the building, derived from its use and relation to surrounding buildings,​ created using OS data​.

Enhanced land cover attribution

  • Enhanced land cover attribution to β€˜natural’ topographic area features across the OS NGD β€˜Features’ Collections for Land, Structures, Transport and Water.

  • Improved consistency and accuracy for specific land featuresβ€―by reducing the minimum capture size criteria in rural and moorland geographies.

  • Mapping OS land cover classification toβ€―recognised habitat classification schemes (EUNIS and UK BAP Broad Habitats) in a new cross reference table.

  • Assigning a percentage coverβ€―value to topographic areas in a new cross reference table.

Structures – Field Boundary

  • New Field Boundary Feature Type added to the Structure Features Collection to identify the location, nature and properties of a field boundary in rural and moorland areas.

  • Height and width values provided for vegetated field boundary features.


  • New Tram On Road​ Feature Type added to the Transport Network Collection to locate where trams are present against the OS road network.

  • Tram track attribution added indicating the presence of tram tracks on a road​. Supplied as new attribution against Road Link features​.

Geographical Names

  • New Named Road Junction Feature Type added to the Named Features Collection, which provides enhanced names and the numbers of junctions. Includes both officially named or numbered junctions and intersects without an official name or number.

2023 OS NGD enhancements

September 2023 – OS NGD data enhancements


  • New Building Feature Type added to the Building Features Collection.

  • Attribution provided on a building's use, how it is connected to other buildings, additional details on addresses contained within a building, and whether a building is considered to be the main one within a site.

  • Cross references between the new Building Feature Type and the Building Part, Site, and Built Address Feature Types.


  • New rail feature types added to the Transport Network Collection, giving information about the topologically connected rail network:

  • Available rail network attribution now includes track representation (single/multitrack, siding) and use (freight/passenger/mixed).

  • New Pavement Link Feature Type added to the Transport Network Collection, giving information on the presence of pavements on the Road Network.

  • New attribution added to the Road Link Feature Type, giving details about pavement presence: left or right side of road, coverage, and minimum and average width.

August 2023 – OS NGD data enhancements


  • Path network coverage extended to all of Great Britain (it was previously just available for urban areas). The road and path networks have been topologically structured together, which has increased the number of features present in the Paths feature types (Path, Path Link, Path Node, Connecting Link, and Connecting Node).

March 2023 – OS NGD access enhancements


OS Select+Build

  • A new 'Order Summary' file will now be provided with your data packages to aid data validation when loading and using OS NGD data.

  • Enhanced search capability now available in both the Recipe Builder and your OS Select+Build Recipe Library, helping you locate feature types and your existing recipes quicker than before.

March 2023 – OS NGD data enhancements


  • New attributes added to existing address feature types and improvements made for addressing floor-level information as part of the release of data schema version 2.0 (see the Addressing 'Versioning information' page for more information).

  • Improvements made to address data regarding the consistency of address positioning, usage classifications, business names and lifecycle.


  • New Average and Indicative Speed Feature Type added to the OS NGD RAMI Collection, giving full Great Britain coverage for speed data.

  • Speed data is now included in the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA), so it is free for PSGA Members for the first time.

  • Increased number of daily time periods now available for average speed data.

  • COUs (change-only updates) available for speed data for the first time.

  • Improved completeness of the Road Width attribute in the Road Link Feature Type, which extends coverage for road width data from just urban areas to urban areas, rural areas and mountain and moorland areas.


OS NGD delivery roadmap for 2023 and 2024

The OS NGD delivery roadmap (as of March 2024) can be seen in the following image; the roadmap details what was delivered in the March 2023, September 2023 and March 2024 data releases, and what is planned for delivery in the upcoming September 2024 data release:

In the future, we plan to deliver over 30 data enhancements to the OS NGD. As we design and develop these data enhancements, more details will be added to the 'Future OS NGD Data Enhancements' page.

Last updated