Product Announcements

2024 Product announcements

July 2024 – OS NGD Buildings Theme COU pause

There is planned maintenance scheduled for the OS NGD Buildings Theme from Saturday 20 July to Monday 22 July to run an upgrade to one of our background systems which underpins the OS NGD. This maintenance is needed to enhance the data which will be made available in the OS NGD Buildings Theme in September 2024.

During the planned maintenance period, the OS NGD Buildings Theme will not have any updates available and the daily Change-Only Update (COU) files received will be empty. In addition, the data within OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Features will not be updated daily for the OS NGD Buildings Theme.

At the end of the maintenance period, all the changes will be made available and any daily COU files are likely to be larger than normal.

Any customers receiving monthly COU files will not be affected.

June 2024 – OS NGD Features Collections bug fixes

From 07 June to 08 June 2024, bug fixes are being applied to 1.6 million features across the OS NGD Features Collections, as part of our ongoing efforts to provide better data.

These improvements include fixes to Associated Structure, Land Use Tier A and Land Use Tier B values.

June 2024 – Planned maintenance on six OS NGD themes

Background system maintenance for the OS NGD is required to deliver the enhancements scheduled for September 2024. The planned maintenance period will be from Sunday 16 June through to Saturday 29 June, at the latest.

Throughout the maintenance period, all the OS NGD access services (OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs) will remain available to customers with no disruption to the service availability. The data within these services will not be updated daily with surveyed change for the following affected OS NGD collections:

  • Building Features

  • Land Features

  • Land Use Features

  • Structure Features

  • Transport Features

  • Water Features

Any daily Change-Only Update (COU) files for the other OS NGD collections will be unaffected during the maintenance period.

Customers will continue to be able to access all daily COU orders during the maintenance period and any new orders. During the maintenance period, any COU files for the above affected OS NGD collections will continue to be delivered and will be smaller than normal or empty. At the end of the maintenance period, all the surveyed changes for the affected OS NGD collections will be made available, and any daily COU files are likely to be larger than normal.

Any customers who receive monthly COU files will not be affected.

June 2024 – OS NGD Address Theme

The fix for the known data issue relating to the description of Parish and Community Government Statistical Services (GSS) codes as Ward GSS codes and vice versa will be rolled out to 4 million features (UPRNs) a day alongside the usual daily updates starting from 17 May 2024 until 27 May 2024.

This will result in larger daily Change-Only Update (COU) files. On 01 June 2024, the OS NGD Address Theme monthly COU file will be larger than a Full Supply file as all features will have a delete record and an update record.

March 2024 – OS NGD enhancement release now live

The March 2024 enhancement release for the OS NGD is now live. To find out more information about what these enhancements include, please see our 'What's New?' page.

2023 Product announcements

OS NGD enhancement release now live

The September 2023 enhancement release for the OS NGD is now live. To find out more information about what these enhancements include, please see our 'What's New' page.

Last updated