🆕Classification (Type 32 Record)
The Classification data type defines a structured entry that provides the code for the type of feature.
Temporal Filtering
The earliest date on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for data in this feature type is 27 March 2024.
Data type attributes
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GeoPackage format.
Attribute Name: fid (GKPG), Not provided (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Record ID
Identifies this record as a Classification Record (type 32).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GKPG), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 2
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Change type
The type of record change. Please see the Available formats section on the Technical specification page for more information.
Attribute Name: change_type (GKPG), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Processing order
The order in which the records were processed to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GKPG), PRO_ORDER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 16
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN). This is a foreign key used to reference the classification records to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: uprn (GKPG), UPRN (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 12
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Classification key
The unique key for the classification record and primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: class_key (GKPG), CLASS_KEY (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 14
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Classification code
Alpha numeric code used to classify the feature.
Attribute Name: classification_code (GKPG), CLASSIFICATION_CODE (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG) , String (CSV)
Max Length: 6
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Classification scheme
The name of the classification scheme used for this record.
Attribute Name: class_scheme (GKPG), CLASS_SCHEME (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 60
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Scheme version
The classification scheme version number.
Attribute Name: scheme_version (GKPG), SCHEME_VERSION (CSV)
Data Types: float (GKPG), Real (CSV)
Precision: 2
Scale: 1
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Start date
The date on which this classification record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: start_date (GKPG), START_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
End date
The date on which this classification record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: end_date (GKPG), END_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Last update date
The date on which an attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: last_update_date (GKPG), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Entry date
The date on which the record associated with this classification record was inserted into the database.
Attribute Name: entry_date (GKPG), ENTRY_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Last updated