🆕LPI (Type 24 Record)
The Land Property Identifier (LPI) data type defines a structured entry that identifies a BLPU. The AddressBase Premium data structure provides the facility to describe a BLPU by more than one LPI. In England and Scotland there is one Approved LPI, whereas in Wales there are two Approved LPIs (English and Welsh).
Temporal Filtering
The earliest date on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for data in this feature type is 27 March 2024.
Data type attributes
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
The following attributes will not be populated within the OS ESG: SAO Start Number, SAO Start Suffix, SAO End Number, SAO End Suffix, SAO Text, PAO Start Number, PAO Start Suffix, PAO End Number and PAO End Suffix.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GeoPackage format.
Attribute Name: fid (GKPG), Not provided (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Record ID
Identifies this Record as an LPI Record (type 24).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GKPG), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 2
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Change type
The type of record change. Please see the Available formats section on the Technical specification page for more information.
Attribute Name: change_type (GKPG), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Processing order
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GKPG), PRO_ORDER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 16
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN). This is a foreign key used to reference the LPI to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: uprn (GKPG), UPRN (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 12
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
LPI key
The unique key for the LPI and primary key for this table. A 14-character string, prefixed with '7655L' then a nine-digit sequential number.
Attribute Name: lpi_key (GKPG), LPI_KEY (CSV)
Data Types: String (CSV), String (GKPG)
Max Length: 14
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
A code that identifies the language used for the LPI record (the names and/or descriptions in PAO_text and SAO_text).
Attribute Name: language (GKPG), LANGUAGE (CSV)
Code List Name: LanguageCode
Size: 3
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Logical status
The logical status of this record.
Attribute Name: logical_status (GKPG), LOGICAL_STATUS (CSV)
Code List Name: LogicalStatusCode
Size: 1
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Start date
The date on which this LPI record was inserted into the database.
Attribute Name: start_date (GKPG), START_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
End date
The date on which this record ceased to exist in the database.
Attribute Name: end_date (GKPG), END_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Last update date
The date on which any of the attributes on this record were last changed.
Attribute Name: last_update_date (GKPG), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Entry date
The date on which the record was inserted into the database.
Attribute Name: entry_date (GKPG), ENTRY_DATE (CSV)
Data Types: Date (GKPG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
SAO start number
The number of the secondary addressable object (SAO) or the start of the number range.
Attribute Name: sao_start_number (GKPG), SAO_START_NUMBER (CSV),
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 4
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
SAO start number suffix
The suffix to the SAO_START_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: sao_start_suffix (GKPG), SAO_START_SUFFIX (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG) , String (CSV)
Max Length: 2
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
SAO end number
The end of the number range for the SAO, where the SAO_START_NUMBER contains the first number in the range.
Attribute Name: sao_end_number (GKPG), SAO_END_NUMBER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 4
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
SAO end suffix
The suffix to the SAO_END_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: sao_end_suffix (GKPG), SAO_END_SUFFIX (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG) , String (CSV)
Max Length: 2
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
SAO text
Additional location information where transport or water networks interact with the feature to provide the names and/or numbers of those networks. The pipe symbol (|) is used to separate multiple names.
Attribute Name: sao_text (GKPG), SAO_TEXT (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG) , String (CSV)
Max Length: 400
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
SAO Text will be in alpha numeric order. Where names are known to be Gaelic in origin, these will appear first in records in Scotland. In Wales, the known Welsh names will be on the Welsh LPI (CYM) and the known English with be on the English LPI (ENG). Where it is not known, or the name in use is in both languages, the same name may appear on both the English and Welsh LPI.
PAO start number
The number of the primary addressable object (PAO) or the start of the number range.
Attribute Name: pao_start_number (GKPG), PAO_START_NUMBER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 4
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
PAO start number suffix
The suffix to the PAO_START_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: pao_start_suffix (GKPG), PAO_START_SUFFIX (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 2
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
PAO end number
The end of the number range for the PAO where the PAO_START_NUMBER contains the first number in the range.
Attribute Name: pao_end_number (GKPG), PAO_END_NUMBER (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 4
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
PAO end suffix
The suffix to the PAO_END_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: pao_end_suffix (GKPG), PAO_END_SUFFIX (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 2
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
PAO text
The proper name(s) used to identify the feature. Where the official name is not known, a default value is given based on the classification. The pipe symbol (|) is used to separate multiple names.
Attribute Name: pao_text (GKPG), PAO_TEXT (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 90
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
PAO text will be in alpha numeric order. Where names are known to be Gaelic in origin, these will appear first in records in Scotland. In Wales, the known Welsh names will be on the Welsh LPI (CYM) and the known English names with be on the English LPI (ENG). Where it is not known, or the name in use is in both languages, the same name may appear on both the English and Welsh LPI.
The Unique Street Reference Number (USRN). This is a foreign key linking the Street record to the LPI record.
Attribute Name: usrn (GKPG), USRN (CSV)
Data Types: Integer (GKPG), Integer (CSV)
Size: 8
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) for a Street intersecting or near a junction. BLPUs will be assigned a USRN, these only reference to the USRNs published in AddressBase Premium.
USRN match indicator
This field indicates how the feature was matched to a Street. 1 is matched manually to the most accessible USRN and 2 is matched spatially to the nearest USRN, which may not be the nearest accessible street.
Attribute Name: usrn_match_indicator (GKPG), USRN_MATCH_INDICATOR (CSV)
Code List Name: USRNMatchIndicatorCode
Size: 1
Nullable: false
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Area name
Additional location information indicating e.g. a city or town and any relevant other named urban areas. Where relevant, island names are included. In non-urban areas the Lower Tier Local Authority is provided. (NEAR) indicates either within 1 km of a settlement onshore, or within 500 m of a named island or 1 km from a Lower Tier Local Authority offshore.
Attribute Name: area_name (GKPG), AREA_NAME (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 100
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Settlement boundaries and islands used are an OS geographic depiction of the extent of settlements and should not be mistaken for official administrative or electoral boundaries. Please see Named Features - OS National Geographic Database for further information. Lower Tier Local Authority Areas used are from Boundaries - OS National Geographic Database.
Detail on the vertical position of the property if known and provided by the authority.
Attribute Name: level (GKPG), LEVEL (CSV)
Data Types: String (GKPG), String (CSV)
Max Length: 30
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Official flag
The status of the feature.
Attribute Name: official_flag (GKPG), OFFICIAL_FLAG (CSV)
Code List Name: OfficialFlagCode
Size: 1
Nullable: true
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Last updated