This code list is used in association with a number of attributes which are present within the Transport Link Feature Type. The code list describes the nature of the access permitted to the Transport Link.
Label | Definition |
yes | General public access is assumed, but does not imply an official, legally-enshrined right of way. |
no | General public access is prohibited. Stronger interdiction than private. E.g. a fully closed road; a restricted military facility. If only specific transport modes are forbidden, for example, at a vehicle no-entry sign, a more specific restriction like vehicle=no or motor_vehicle=no will be used over the general key access. |
private | General public access is not allowed. Access is granted with individual permission only. E.g. A driveway with a no trespassing or keep out sign; A company parking lot for employees only. |
permissive | Open to general traffic until such time as the owner revokes the permission which they are legally allowed to do at any time in the future. |
permit | Open only to people who have obtained a permit granting them access. |
destination | Only when travelling to this element area; i.e. local traffic only. This is signed, for example, as 'except for access' in the UK. |
delivery | Only when delivering to the element. For example motor_vehicle=delivery on a highway=pedestrian. |
customers | Only for customers of the element. |
designated | A preferred or designated route for the class of traffic specified by the tag key, such as foot=designated. In general this means that there is a (explicit) sign such as pedestrians allowed, or a pedestrian icon. |
use_sidepath | Used to indicate that a mapped parallel way (that belongs to the same road) must be used instead. A road can legally consist of several ways, such as a single or dual carriageway with parallel tracks for cyclists, mopeds, pedestrians and/or equestrians. |
dismount | Permitted for some vehicle (or animal) only if you dismount. Mostly used for bicycle, for example bicycle=dismount which indicates people are not permitted to cycle but are allowed to dismount and bring the bike. |
agricultural | Only for agricultural traffic. |
forestry | Only for forestry traffic. |
discouraged | A legal right of way exists (see yes) but usage is officially discouraged (e.g. HGVs on narrow but passable lanes). Only if marked by a traffic sign. |
variable | Value used combination with lanes to denote where access might change e.g. access:lanes=* to denote a variable-access lane. |
unknown | The access conditions are unknown or unclear. |
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